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" man who leads the way "

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" man who leads the way "

JUST LIKE the rest of the five kids, Brenner was eating as well. A slice of orange was stuffed in his mouth with the tray of his lunch laid out for him. Brenner lifts up his thermos to pour a cup of coffee for himself. The top of his thermos falls off and the rest of the coffee spills all over the rest of his food. "Ah shit."

Brenner climbs out of his seat and entered the empty hall while mumbling to himself. "Coffee... looks like they scrape it off the bottom of the Mississippi River. Everything's polluted, the coffee."

As Brenner fades into the empty hall Lucas peaks his head out of the library door seeing if anyone was nearby. He took that chance to walk out of that room and enter the hallway. Maxine follows after him. Will and Mike glance at each other wondering what's Lucas doing. Eleanor simply followed them with sneakers dragging on the waxed floor.

"How do you know where Brenner went?" Lucas continues forward, not bothering to glance at the redhead beside him.

"I don't."

"Well then, how do you know when he'll be back?" Maxine asks as she plays with the ring on her finger with her rushing beside Lucas.

"I don't...being bad feels pretty good, huh?" Lucas asks finally looking at the flustered redhead. A smirk was spread across his face causing a shade of red to grow on her cheeks.

"What's the point in going to Lucas's locker?" Will asked worryingly to Mike.

Mike replies with a shrug. "Beats me."

"This is so stupid, who do you think, why are we risking getting caught?"

"Dunno." Mike replies again as Will's heart races from not only risking getting caught but also speaking to Mike.

"So then what are we doing?"

"You ask me one more question I'm beating the chit out of you!" Mike threatened. Will grew pale as his mouth was completely shut.

The group finally stops at there track finally reaching Lucas's locker. The top of the locker had something written on it with a permanent marker. The words "OPEN THIS LOCKER" with an arrow pointing at the lock with more saying "AND YOU DIE" in bold sloppy letters. Lucas opens up his locker as a sharp blade drops down almost chopping off his hands.

Everyone stared in disgust as Lucas opened up his dirty locker. It reacts disgusting scents that no one ever knew existed. Paper was pouring out of the locker as Lucas was digging through his mess to find something in particular.

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