s i x

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s i x - I think Sydney hurt her head when she was kid.


I cannot help but feel disgusted towards my own acts. Composing myself, I stand up from the dining room chair and take some vegetables out from the refrigerator. While my body was doing some other action, my brain was still focused on my phone and the sounds it might end up making. 

"Oi! this is a first." The shrilly voice of the youngest echoed around the house. "Sydney is up."

"I get to sleep in while you dont." I reply dryly. "You have to go to school."

"What are you making? I am starving." The elder one leans against the kitchen counter.

"Have rice today. A full meal is essential for your growth." I cannot help but scowl in their direction. 

I pour the cabbage soybean soup into two identical bowls and place it near the rice at the table. The kids quickly crowd around it and reach for theirs spoons. 

I slap the right hand of Yoon-Ki when he touches his utensils. 

"Prayer first." I give him the eye. They quickly mutter their words and dig into the piping hot meal. 

I look at them eating their meal in absolute awe. The ringing of my phone startles me. The person to come into my mind immediately is him. By disappointed fills my body as the caller id displays "Mark."

"What?" I nearly yell at the phone. 

"It is that time of the month again?" He whispers. 

"No and blurt.  I don't have time to waste on you." I roll my eyes. 

"I love you too Sydney." He chuckles. " A fight today?" 

"When? Who?" I sigh. "If it is Park Raecheal and her sad ass I will pass." 

"It is an African American guy from the other ring. He keeps whining about beating you to pulp." 

"Cool. Lets see who turns who to a pulp." I hang up. 

Fighting with a new guy nearly pushes me to an adrenaline rush. Despite the enticement, I can feel anxiousness somewhere deep within me. 

"I think Sydney hurt her head when she was kid." Seun-gi whispers to his twin. "She is way too rude."

"Stop acting as if I am not in the room you ungrateful little brat." I scowl in their direction.             "Hurry up and finish that rice." 

I enter my room carrying that stupid device which picks up calls and texts from people that do not matter. Leaving the useless electronic equipment on my dresser, I flop my face on the bed. 

"Why is he not calling?" I mutter. "It has been more than fifteen hours since my number landed on his stupid device."



"Hey! Jimin. I met the most amazing girl last night." I cannot help by tell him as he enters the lounge. 

"You told me that for the umpteenth time now." He scowls in my direction. 

"Whatever." I brush him off.

"Namjoona, Have I told you how great her blonde hair looks on her --" I am cut off by Jin.

"Petite little shoulder. Her brown eyes remind me of my favorite coffee." He mocks me. 

"Jungkook, She drove me on her bike --" I am cut off again. 

"All around Seoul. I have scared shitless by embracing her calmed my nerves. She looked so hot driving that matte black beauty. If only I could ride her bike again." Jungkook replies. 

I scream and make a face. "Fuck you. Why are you making fun of my single ass?" 

"So call her and go out again." Taehyung throws me my phone. 

"She must've forgotten me by now." I mutter. 

"You kept on talking about her saying that you look handsome. And you are worried she might lose interest on you?" Namjoon's words shut me up. 

"For all we know, she could be waiting for your call?" Jimin fires back. 

Jungkook snatches my phone and I give him the glare. He subtly hands it back in my direction. I look at the brightly lit screen stuck on Sydney's contact. 

"Do or die right?" I ask them and get a nod from everyone. 

I tap on her number and press the device on my ear. 

"Speaker." Taehyung mouths. 

I keep it on speaker and even before the first ring, her melodic voice mutters an anxious "Hello." 

"Hi." I reply clearly nervous and Jin hits my calves as he mouths 'Be a man you jackass' 

"Min Yoon-gi?" Her voice sounds strained.

"Yes." I can barely form words. I can see the boys snickering at my response and I give them a glare. 

"I had already made up my mind that you lost your cell phone." She replies dryly. "Which man calls after seventeen hours of getting a girl's number?"

I quickly straightened my posture from her response. 

"I am sorry. I did not want to sound desperate." I reply in the most formal way possible. 

"Yeah. Whatever." She mutters. "What is it?" 

"Do you want to meet up? Tonight?" I can barely speak now. 

"I have a fight. But after that sure." I can hear the excitement in her voice. "Where should I come?"

"I will come watch your fight." clearly speaking now. "I will meet you outside the gates at 8?" 

"Cool. See you then." She hang up. 

I look at the crowd that had formed near the phone. "I never knew my vocal chords could give up on me."  

"I haven't even met her and I already like her." Jin smiles. 

"Boy, you are so whipped." Namjoon looks at my direction. 


Welcome to the first ever Author's note. 

MOONYTOODLES sends her love. I hope you guys are having an awesome and productive week. I dont even know my readers but let me assure you that I love you guys a lot and nothing will ever change that. Thank you for supporting beats and staying by my side despite the spelling and grammatical errors. 

Do not ghost my book and vote and comment. 

Let me know:

Do you want Sydney to meet the rest of the guys? 

I will update regularly. 

Also thank you for 100+ reads. Means a lot. 

Ps. Doesnt Suga look to die for at the picture attached?

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