t e n

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t e n : I wasn't actually suggesting that you daft dimbo


"Hello." I groan into the receiver.

"Morning to you too sleepy head. Slept well?" A familiar chuckle enters my ears.

"Why are you calling me so early?" I inquire clearly annoyed

"I have to be in the airport in two hours and will not be back for a week or two. So I thought I should inform you so that when I come back i will not become some kebab in skewers." 

"You clearly know what you signed up for." I let out a giggle. "See you in one or two weeks then."

"Or now? I am downstairs your apartment complex." 

"Stalker much? How do you know my address?" I smile.

"I don't know? Some handsome that drops you off sometimes informed me."

"Give me a minute." I hang up the call and shove a breath mint into my mouth before going downstairs. 

He was there wearing the usual black face mask and attire. His eyes covered by sunglasses and neck with again a black scarf. He was leaning against a black SUV which I assume he drove himself. 

"So what owes me the great Suga's pleasure?" I scoff while walking towards his direction. 

He takes off his sunglasses and face mask. 

"You and your sarcasm, gonna miss that while in Thailand." He smiles. 

"You know there are phones in this century?" I hold my phone in front of his eyes. 

"So, you are giving me the permission to call you?" He scoffs 

"Did you need permission to call me all this time?" I roll my eyes. "Or if you want we can go back to the eighteenth century and write letters?" 

"Pen pals?" he asks.

"I wasn't actually suggesting that you daft dimbo. I think even typing texts is too much work and you expect me to write letters?" I playfully punch his shoulder. 

"Woman you fight for a living. I do not want to dislocate my shoulder." He rubs the area. "Your idea of a playful punch scares me"

I cannot help but smile. 

"So two weeks huh?" I look up at him. 

"Can take more than that. I mean we never know. New music needs lots to work on." He chuckles. "Plus, fans are waiting. We have postponed the Thailand Fan meeting for too long." 

"Aye, I must say I am jealous of the people who get to see you while I don't." 

"Sydney, when i come back, I am taking you out properly. You get to choose whether you want to be pampered Min Yoongi style or Suga style." He looks into my eyes. 

"What if I choose both?" 

"Oh woman, You in for a ride." He smiles. 

"You know, one detail that I absolutely adore about you?" I tilt my head. 

"My sexy body?" He chuckles.

"The fact that you call me 'woman' instead of 'girl'." I smile. "You do have gentleman tendencies deep down there" 

"Ah! You wound me. Only tendencies? Ms. Jung I think we both know that I am a gentleman. A very gentle one at that." He pretends to be hurt. 

"Hmm? if you were not a gentleman then? What would happen to me?" I gasp

"You'll find out soon enough." He licks his lips. "So, am I not getting a farewell hug?" 

"I only hug nice men." I slap his extended arms and run up the stairs. "Bon Voyage." 



I cannot help but chuckle at her cuteness. Literally the only person to avoid my hug in a while. 

"Ahh! what should I do with you?" I sigh and get inside the car. 

"I will come straight to the airport. So, bring my stuff with you." I speak into the phone. 

"Hyung ! Are you crying after the farewell with your beloved?" Jimin whines. 

"You better shut that trap or else I will stitch it when I get there." I end the call. These idiots, cannot survive a minute without making a clown out of someone.    

The ride to the airport was definitely long and the fact that my legs and arms are tired from all the driving is one percent true. 

"Lover Boy? Get a farewell kiss?" Jin pouts in my direction. 

"Not even a hug." I shrug and move towards my seat. 

I pull out my cell phone and contemplate whether I should text Sydney or not. Taking my chance, I type in a quick message in Kakao Talk. 

"Gonna take off. Thought I should tell you" 

"Oh really? And why is that? The reason for telling me? What is our relationship?" 

"The fact that i am interested in you is more than enough"

"Safe Journey Agust D. I shall get acquainted with your stage self while I am here alone." 

"And why do you need to get acquainted?" 

"You are seriously stupid. Does that fact that I am also interested in you ring a bell?" 

"We ask that you please fasten your seatbelt at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Korea Airlines. Enjoy your flight."

I enable the airplane mode and plug in my earphones getting ready for a restless plane ride. 

"Sydney Jung. What is this that you are doing to me?" I sigh yet again. 

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