t w o

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t w o - Our self exclaimed 'Star'


"Do you want to fight today?" Mark asks from the other side of the phone. 

"Duh. Why bother even asking?" I ask in a bored tone. 

"No, it is just that the blow you took two days ago seemed to be pretty rough."

"Shut up! and sign me up." I yell at the phone. "I will be there in 10." 

I pick up the black Nike duffel bag and pull the zip open. I glance inside to check whether everything is in place. A sigh escapes my lips as a reassurance. 

I push a black tank top down my shoulders and hop on black leggings. My signature black leather jacket is loosely hung on my shoulders as I lock the apartment. 


"Sydney you are up against Raecheal," Mark announces as I step into the gym. 

"That bitch never understands when I make a statement. Guess, she is getting beat up again," I cannot help but comment in a fake concerned voice. 

I smirk as a laugh escapes Mark's lips. 

"That's my girl. You have made me shit rich." He smiles.

I wear my gloves and slouch towards the nearest punching bag. 

"Sydney! Posture." A voice exclaims from behind me. 

I quickly straighten my back and walk with confidence. 

I hit my first blow thinking about my father. 

I hit my second blow thinking about my mother. 

I hit my third blow thinking about the situation my brothers are in. 

I hit my fouth blow pondering on the wincing pain my bruised gave me. 

I hit my fifth blow as I am reminded of Park Raecheal's face. 

The coming blows are about everything all together. 

"Stop!" A voice calls from behind me. I quickly recognize it: Mark. 

"Your match is in 10 minutes and you are wasting your stamina on this pathetic little sandbag?"

"Piss off." I quickly scoff and walk to the dressing room to get changed. 

"You are making me rich tonight." He calls back as I step away from his field of vision. 

The scene inside the dressing room makes me vomit the instant noodles that I ate a half hour ago. Park Raecheal was forcing herself on Ji Hong. 

Song Ji Hong is clearly the ace of our gym. The build that he has can leave many boxers on the ground in one blow. His skills are very admirable. I would not have minded kissing his feet to train me. However, his arrogant and selfish attitude ruins the whole play. I would love to crush him if we ever have the chance to play against each other.

"Hey! You brat, Thinking of changing professions?" I cannot help but comment in their direction. "Looking at your actions, you would make a fine stripper." 

"Ah look who it is. Sydney. Our self exclaimed 'Star'," Ji Hong comments in a rather disgustingly mocking tone cuddling with Raecheal. 

Park Raecheal is another story. She started out the same year as me and has always been a pain in the ass. Rather it is skill, agility, strength, precision or accuracy; she has always got to match the par with me. The first year we were strong contenders. But in the following years to come, she was easily surpassed due to that pissing off white girl 'bitch' attitude. 

"You need your boy toy to make statements for you now?" I roll my eyes in their direction and walk out the dressing room ready to crush her skull. 



"If the fight does not meet my expectations then you are buying me black bean noodles for the rest of the week," I tell him as we are walking on the streets of a really quiet part of Seoul. 

"Deal." He gives me a thumbs up. "Oh, and place a bet today. They give exclusives to people to place who the greatest bet." 

"How much do you want me to pay?" I ask in his direction. 

"A million?" He questions. 

"Are you crazy? Why would I place a million on a girl who I have never seen even play before?" I ask glancing towards his direction. 

"Trust me." He smiles. "Last time you placed 100,000 and went home with ten times more." 

"Okay fine. But if it doesn't work out then I am getting every penny back from you." I push him. 

A shady looking building comes into the view. The outside is frail and decrepit. Jun-ki keeps our passes under the scanner next to the door and it opens. The first thing catching my eye is the signboard. 

"Sydney VS Raecheal"

I follow him through the dark corridor lighted up with neon lights with my hood up and a black dust mask over my face. If someone were to recognise me in this place then I would be making headlines tomorrow.

"Are you placing any bets?" A person near the entrance asks. 

"Yes. ₩ 2,000,000 on Sydney." Jun-ki answers for both of us. 

I nudge him on the stomach while passing the bill. The person gives us an exclusive pass while smiling at us. 

"The fight is starting. You better find your seats. I assure you. You both will go home with a fortune." He replies in glee. "Sydney is very ruthless."

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