s e v e n

49 2 5

s e v e n - So I am invading your bubble


I pick up the black Nike sweats from the washer and pull them into my two legs. The cover the black sports bra that I had on with a see through white t-shirt. Picking my duffel bag from the floor, I head out of the apartment door. 

I had paid special attention to my appearance tonight and the person to blame was the man I spent last night with. I even bothered myself with applying makeup on my face to look even slightly alluring. 

I decided to jog to the gym mainly because it could be my warmup for the fight I was to be in later on today. 

"Mark, I am getting there in 20. Get my food ready." I send him a quick voicemail and resume my jog. 

I stop at the shabby, graffiti filled black building which I proudly called my workspace. 

"Syd. Your food is here." Mark announces right as I enter the gates. 

Without even acknowledging him, I go straight to the dressing room and dig into the plate of black bean noodles. My phones rings as I am mid way into the meal. 

"Hello." I reply with my mouth filled with the noodles. 

"Wrong timing I see?" Yoon-gi chuckles on the other side. 

I swallow the noodles in my mouth in one gulp and feel my face turn red in embarrassment. 

"No go on." I get my act together. 

"I am just calling to check if we are still on for tonight?" 

"Of course. Who said otherwise." 

"I see I am not the only one feeling excited about this evening?" I can feel him smirking. 

"Are you always this straight forward about your feelings?"

"The boys usually nag me about not showing enough love. I agree with that. However, you, I open up to you naturally." 

"So I am invading your bubble?" I cannot help but squeak

"Yes, you are popping them one by one. Even though we have not spent much time together, something happened within me immediately after I saw in that ring." 

"Keep the confessions for when you ask me out. You are running the play." I cannot help but blurt. 

Quickly realizing what I said, my right palm collides with my mouth. I quickly hand up the phone hoping he did not hear my sad confession. 

I move out of the dressing room and step into the sweaty gym. I notice the furthest sandbag as vacant. I blew some air out and positioned myself in front of the black bag and made my mind blank and ready for the four hour workout regimen I had planned.



I stand in front of the same building as yesterday and blow out a huge blow of air. I pull out my phone from my jean pocket and tap on her number and press the device to my ear. 

"I am here." I breathe. 

She doesnt say anything apart from a quick "I will be out" and hangs up. 

What she said in out previous phone call clearly took me off guard. I knew I had feelings for her. It would mount to something else later on. However, I had not even remotely thought of asking her out and the complications that would arise if I did that. I had not given heed to building a romantic relationship right now. All in my mind was to spend time with her and get to know her more. 

"Hey." A voice interrupted my thoughts. 

I wave at the approaching Sydney. She looked absolutely breathtaking even on workout clothes. She wore kohl and mascara today which popped her eyes even more. A faint black bean sauce stain was on the left side of her lips indicating her last meal. 

"You look beautiful." I smile in her direction. 

"Thank you." 

The tension was palpable in out conversation. I bet she did not feel comfortable after out last phone call. 

"Hey, the last phone call was no biggie. We were both carried away. I will pay no heed to what you said. So if that is what is bothering you loosen up. I do not think you are a weird dinosaur or something." I reassure her. 

A smile forms on her lips her eyes glisten indicating that she was glad with my response. 

"I don't know what my stupid brain was even thinking." She states and grabs my hands. 

She leads me through the barely lit corridor of the fighting ring. She stops to talk with a certain people and moves with grace. She sure had confidence for someone who could be beaten up black and blue in the next ten minutes. The determination can be seen in her eyes. 

"Arent you scared?" I cannot help but ask. 

"Are you ever scared before a performance?" 

"It is my safe haven." I stare at her. 

"Same with me." She replies directly looking into my eyes. 

And I just realize that in the whole 30 minutes we have spent in the arena, her hand never left mine. 

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