𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚

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chapter four:
my hope


"Mommy? Daddy? Can I be a hero....just like you?" I bit my lip in anticipation as I awaited their answer.

"Why, honey, of course you can. What makes you think our daughter couldn't?" Mom looked down at my figure as my wide blue eyes stared into his own.

There were just like hers: bright and shining, yet deep and unwelcoming.

"The kids always say I'm scary. They run away from me, Mommy. They say I can never be a hero with my quirk," I whispered into my mom's shoulder as she pet my dark, jet black hair.

"You can be whatever you want to be, as long as you set your mind to it, sweetheart."

My mother's words stuck in my head like glue.

I never let them go. They were like my security blanket.

My mother handed me a figure. It's paint glistened in the lights of the living room as I observed it's stature and features.

"This, baby, is the number one hero. His name is 'All Might.' Remember him, alright? Grow up to be just like him. You can be an even better hero than him, because we believe in you."

My mother hugged me as my father looked down at us, a small smile on his face.

I hugged my parents. Their heartbeats were in sync, that's how I knew they were in love. I always wanted a love like that. I wanted to love someone so much, that my heart synced with theirs.

Flashback end

They were my idols, my world.

But now, they were gone. Their last words were silenced to nothing but mere wincing. Their throats were sliced in front of my eyes. By who, you may ask? A hero.

His name was Best Jeanist. He was one of the top heroes on the list, but he was never a hero to me. He was a murderer.

How could anyone, let alone a hero, kill two people right in front of a child?

From that moment on, I was scarred. I could still clearly see his spider-like strings covered in blood, my parent's blood. They were heroes too, so why? Why would he do such a thing?

That question weighed my shoulders down to this day. They weren't supposed to die. They were supposed to be there for me. They were supposed to see me get into UA. They were supposed to see me become an even greater hero than All Might himself. Now, I know that'll never happen, because of him.

I loathed his very soul—his presence. His eyes still bore into mine like they did that night 8 years ago.

I looked down at the ashes on my floor, the remains of the figurine my mother bought for me. A tear rolled down my cheek, but a flame erupted on my skin, immediately evaporating it. Yogan was right. I should let what happened 8 years ago stay 8 years ago.

But I can never learn to respect the cowards who slaughtered my family, who slaughtered my world, who slaughtered my hope.


chapter four:
word count: 524

𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧 ❥|| Denki KaminariWhere stories live. Discover now