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•your point of view•
•time skip about three months•

We started this tour in New York and ended it in California, stopping in every major city we could, along with some minor cities and Canada. We thanked everyone for coming and making this tour the best one yet. We bowed and ran backstage to celebrate. Natalie and Marianas boyfriends met with us in our dressing room.

I had to admit, it made me feel out of place that they had boyfriends and I didn't. I had my chance with Q, or so I thought. The week after we hung out I was on twitter and saw that Q tweeted out that he and this girl named Kelsey were officially dating. I'm not gonna lie, my stomach dropped and my heart ached. Ever since then we rarely texted each other. We would only send good lucks or ask how each other were. Other than that, nothing.

Mariana, Natalie, and their boyfriends, Damien and Luke asked me if I wanted to go to the club with them but I kindly declined saying I had a massive headache and just wanted to sleep. In reality I just wanted some time to myself. The girls noticed that I had become distant lately but knew that I didn't like to talk about how I felt, so they just gave me a sympathetic look and told me to feel better. I wish I could.

I got to my hotel and plopped myself down on my bed, facing the ceiling. I knew I shouldn't have but I pulled out my phone and opened Twitter for the first time in three months. I couldn't bear to see Q on my timeline. Just as I suspected, there were many tweets mentioning my band and I, people saying how much fun that had at our shows, and of course, Q and Kelsey.

One of his tweets caught my eye; it was a picture of him and Kelsey at Central Park, in front of the fountain that we sat in front of, with the caption "love you more than words can say." I immediately shut off my phone and threw it to the floor, covering my eyes with my hands as I started to well up with tears. I know I shouldn't feel like this about a guy I had only seen for two days but he was, or, is special to me.

I gathered myself together and sat up in my bed, "fuck it, I can't spend my days wallowing around about some guy that I had no chance with." I whispered to myself. I then got up and looked in my suitcase for my notebook. I sat back down on the bed, crossing my legs and started to write song lyrics in an attempt to escape into the world I had created for myself, my own little safe haven. I couldn't say I was the happiest person in the world at this time but every time I wrote, nothing else mattered to me. It was only me and my lyrics.

I stopped writing and closed my notebook. I picked my phone up off the floor and saw a text message from Natalie.

-You'll never guess who the fuck is here

I thought about it, there's no one that I actually really hate or don't want to see. I texted back asking who.

-Q and Kelsey. Looks like his friends are here too. Can't tell why they're here though..
-most likely they're on tour.. Q told me him and his friends were comedians.. but why do I care, I don't talk to him anymore.
-he's looking over at us. I'll tell everyone to ignore him if he comes over. We'll be back soon, love you y/n.

I stared at the text. I don't want them to ignore him but at the same time I do. I need to forget about him, but I just can't. I looked at the time and turned off my phone and put it on the nightstand next to the bed. I laid down and pulled the covers over myself, ready to go to sleep. Who knew a boy could ruin me this much?

•the next morning at the airport•
Our flight back home was in about an hour, we were all sitting in chairs on our phones when Natalie nudged my arm to get my attention.

I looked up from my phone and at her, "Yeah"

"He tried to talk to us last night, he asked how and where you were. I told him to leave us alone and to go back to his girl but he insist-"

"You weren't mean to him were you? I don't want him to hate us all because of Kelsey. I mean, he never actually did anything wrong in my opinion"

"Girl. He took you on a date and later got with a girl, that's kinda not right. But anyway, we only told him to leave us alone and that you weren't with us. Then he left. None of us noticed him the rest of the time we were there. He probably left to screw with her."

I looked down an fiddled with my fingers, "I don't care. I just don't wanna talk about it anymore"

Flight 741 to Kentucky is now boarding at gate 38

We all gathered our things and hopped on the plane. Back to writing and being alone.


I made it back to my apartment and was cuddling with my cat on the couch. I still thought about Q. He almost never left my mind, even though I know it's not healthy. Forever alone I guess.

I got myself comfy and turned on my tv when Mariana texted me.

    -I've got a question for ya

Oh god

    -what is it?
    -how's a double date sound? Saturday at 6:30? At the park?

I stared at the text. Double date?

    -I don't have a boyfriend Mariana. What do you mean double date?
    -Luke has a friend that I think you'd really like. Cmon! It'll be fun and it'll get you outta the house.

I thought about it and agreed. I had to get over myself one way or another.


Saturday rolled around and I met up with Mariana and Luke at the park. We were currently sitting in a bench waiting for Luke's friend, Ben, to arrive.

"So how've you been y/n?" Mariana asked me.

I nodded a bit, "Alright, getting better i guess"

We heard a deeper voice come up behind us, "hey I made it, sorry I'm late"

We looked behind us and saw a tall man with short dirty blonde hair, that was shaven on the sides but longer at the top. He was wearing a band shirt and some black skinny jeans. Almost similar to what I was wearing.

Luke got up and did a handshake with him, "It's no problem Ben, we weren't waiting long. This is Mariana, my girlfriend, and this is her friend y/n" Luke introduced us to each other.

Ben came over and shook my hand, "nice to meet you y/n"

"Nice to meet you too Ben"

The rest of the night went by very quickly and I had to admit, for the first time in a while I was having the time of my life. Ben and I were practically inseparable. At the end of the night we exchanged numbers and went home. Mariana decided she wanted to stay the night with me, and the whole night we just talked and talked about anything and everything.

"He was so nice, and I honestly can't wait to see him again." I raved on and on to Mariana about Ben. At one point she started to get a bit mad because I wouldn't shut up about him,  but I didn't care. I felt like I had gotten over Q and forgotten about him. For once in my life I felt happy about getting over myself. I didn't feel bad about it.

A/N personally I think this is one of the best chapters I've written so far! But anyway how do y'all like it so far? I'm curious

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