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Rose P. O. V

Here I was sitting on the couch with Alex by my side watching a movie on television in his house in which I am not at all interested. I am watching it because he insisted, more like ordered. My thoughts were completely occupied, thinking about Rayder.

"I should go to sleep now," I stated while getting up from the couch.

"Why?" He asked me while taking my hand in his.

I turned around and said, "I have school tomorrow and I don't want to be late."

He nodded and I went to my room. I played in the bed, snuggled up in my sheets waiting for myself to slowly fall asleep. I worked out that I'd now been awake for about 21 hours and that I'd probably only get 4 or 5 hours sleep and after a few minutes I felt blackness come over me.


Waking up can be really harsh, especially if your dreams are better than reality. The saddest part of it is, though, that eventually, even the memory of your dream will fade - if you are even lucky enough to remember it that is. Then you're left with this lonely feeling of detachment, left to explore in the empty void of emotions, the only proof that you ever had the dream, to begin with.

I got off the bed and wore my slippers before heading towards the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done taking a shower, I wore a white crop top with black high waist jeans. After applying face cream, mascara and a lip balm, I was ready. I took my bag from the couch and started heading downstairs.

When I reached downstairs, I saw Alex in his tuxedo waiting for me.

"Good morning, Love. You look beautiful. " He said but I didn't reply.

After not hearing anything from my mouth he continued, "Breakfast is ready."

I sat on a chair and started eating our breakfast. After I was done eating I stood us and said, "I am going."

He also stood up and said, "I am going to drop you."

I didn't said anything as I knew that in the end, I would lose.


I entered the school and once again, everyone stopped and we're looking at me as if I was an alien.

Soon Rayder came and hugged me. cheers and gasps echoed in the hall.

"Are you all right, Rose. Did he hurt you?" He asked after pulling away.

"I am fine, Rayder," I said and started moving towards the library as I have full forty-five minutes before class started.

Rayder also started following me. We finally reached the library and I sat on the chair at the corner. Rayder sat in front of me.

"We should skip school today." He said breaking the silence.

"What are you saying?"

"It will be fun. Please?"

I also wanted to clear up my mind so I decided to go with him. He smiled like a child who just got his favourite gift after years of fighting with his parents.

We somehow managed to skip school and now I was sitting in Rayder's car.

As the car engine sang to the lone country roads, I relished the roaring winds that twirled in my long brown hair and whistled in my ears.

Finally about in an hour, we reached near an ocean.

"I know how much you love the ocean." He said while turning off the engine.

I opened my gate and practically ran towards the shore. The soft sky above, sharp stones underfoot and the clouds caressed with reflected light. The lacy waves were a drumbeat that echoes my heart, the breeze blows the tension right out of my bones and all the while the bird's arc above, masters of the salty updrafts.

We walk along the ocean shore, no-one speaking a word, both of us lost in our own torrid thought. The rocks shifted unhelpfully underfoot, testing our agility and sense of balance.

"Rose... Leave him and come with me."He said breaking the silence.

"I can't, "I said while still not looking at him.

"You love me right?" He asked.

"I do... "I said while looking at him and continued, "But I am not allowed to love you. He will kill you and you are not some kind  of hero in the novels and movies that you will fight with the villain, Rayder."

"I don't care, Rose. You love me that only matters to me."

Suddenly it started raining. In the rain Rayder's hair became one with his face, wetly draped over the bone structure that drived me crazy. I wonder if he knews how crazy that drived me, how it made me want to feel every inch of his skin. I started moving closer and pressed his lips with mine. The passersby melt away, the traffic too, and the moment was ours. For the kiss, it's as if we've been transported somewhere heavenly. We both pulled away to catch our breath.

"I love you, Rose"

"I love you too Rayder."

Dreamcatcher-The Love Story BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now