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Rose P.O.V.

His face came from the shadows, rugged features suspended between grief and joy. Seconds passed, my brain taking him in, struggling to comprehend that he wasn’t one of the pictures I kept beside my bed. He was real. My brain couldn’t formulate a thought. At least, not one based in any language. If I didn’t touch him soon, my atoms would tear themselves apart. How was the ground between us was erased? I’ll never recall. But one moment we’re apart, and then the next we are morphed into a single being.

I struggled to stand up, but he helped me back onto my feet. The warmth of his body met my cold skin, giving me hope like he always did before. One of his hands clasped around my lower back, the other stroked my hair. With each soft touch, more tears fell, tears neither of us wiped away. It felt like heaven. A good but strange type of heaven at the same time.



It was like a movie. The scenes from before played in my mind. I remembered everything he did to me and I pushed him so hard that he was unable to keep his balance. It was quite funny, actually. But now was not the time for laughs. It was time for some seriousness.

“Get away from me!” I shouted, loud enough for him to hear.

His eyes and mouth were frozen wide open. With a mixed expression of stunned and surprise on his face.

He tried to come close to me, but I raised one of my hands, indicating he should stop, which he did like an obedient child.

I started walking away from him, ignoring all the stares I was getting from the students who were gathering to see the drama.

Even though I was pretending to be cold on the outside, I couldn’t stop my tears from falling as one part of my heart still loved him. While the other part of me hated him. I couldn’t decide which to choose. My tears were a mix of love and hate. Why did this have to be so complicated?

“Oh my God! Rose, what happened?” Jade asked me, coming up to me with a look of concern on her face.

I couldn’t control myself anymore and started crying. She hugged me and said, “Shhh… Don’t cry, Rose. Come with me.”

She took me to the cafeteria. The high school cafeteria was full, except for the twenty tables that sat unoccupied, dirty beyond fixing. We took a seat at one that was empty near the window.

“Take this.” She handed me a glass of water.

I gulped the whole thing in one go. “What happened, Rose?” She asked.

“He’s back,” I said after I felt a little better.

“Who’s back?”


“Huh? You know him? But how?” She asked with a surprised look on her face. She still listened to me, however, wanting to know the full story.

“It’s a long story,” I told her.

“I have time,” she replied with a smile.

“I’m not feeling well, I’ll tell you later,” I said.

“Ok, I’ll wait. So, you want to go home?”

I nodded.

“I can drop you off,” she stated.

“No, it’s alright. You shouldn’t miss school,” I said. But actually, I didn’t want her to see my so-called ‘home.’ It’s a nightmare there and she was already concerned enough about me as it was. I don’t want her to get too much involved with my personal life just yet.

Dreamcatcher-The Love Story BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now