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Rose P. O. V.

"Knock knock"

"I hope Alex doesn't answer the door," I muttered to myself.

In just a few seconds, the door flew open revealing Alex.

"Where were you Rose? You know how worried I was! You are all wet. It's still raining, come inside. " He said while taking me in a hug.

"I am fine!" I said while breaking the hug and started walking towards my room.

"Is something wrong Rose?" He said from behind.

"Nothing," I said.

"Where were you all this time?" He asked me while coming to my side. At this question, I stopped at my track and turned around at his side to face him.

"Now I can't handle this. I am going to tell him everything." I muttered to myself.

"Alex... I don't love you. Love you... I don't even like you!" I said and as soon as those words left my mouth he pinned me towards the wall and said, "Rose... Do you know what are you saying? You will be mine if you like it or not."

"I love you, Rose... Can't you see that." He said with rage-filled in his eyes and punched the wall making me flinch.

"Most of the time we fall in love with those we can't have in our lives. You can't force someone to love you. If you really love that person, you'll let them choose who they love, even if that means they pick someone else," I said to him while looking into his eyes.

"I can't, I can't let you go, Rose," he stated with a serious look.

"I have done so much to get you... Now I can't let you go... I have killed your dad to get you!" He stated.

"You killed my dad... That's why I don't like you. You got me by killing my dad and blackmailing me." I said and continued, "but he... He loves me from childhood and I also do."

"No. No no no! You can't love someone else than me. Rose, you are not allowed to love someone else!" He said and thought for few minutes. He took my hand and started moving towards his car.

He opened the door for me and made me sit. After sitting in his seat, he started driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"I am sorry Rose. I was too harsh on you. I am sorry. It's the same boy whom I met at your old house. Right?" He stated.

I was shocked to see him apologize and nodded my head as he was talking about Rayder.

"I am going to take you to him and you both can live a happy life. I am sorry I was coming in between both of you. You can tell him to meet us at the nightly park." He stated and I was more than happy that finally, Alex has changed. I did what he said.

We finally reached the park and Rayder was already there. It was still raining. We both came out of the car and started moving towards Rayder. When we reached there, Alex spoke," I am sorry that I came in between of you." and indicated me to go. I reached in front of Rayder and hugged him.

"Thank you, Alex..." Rayder said when we broke out a hug.

A smirk formed on his face and he said, "It's too early to thank me... " and started taking steps toward us and I started having a doubt on him.

When he reached us, he took out a gun from his pocket. I understood what he was going to do and shouted, "Alex! Don't do this. Please. I will come with you. Please. Don't do this."

"How can I leave him, Rose?" Alex said while pointing his gun towards Rayder.

"Please... " A whisper left my mouth.

"Only on one condition. You will marry me. Tomorrow!"

At this statement, my eyes went wide and Rayder said, "No!"

I just nodded my head because I wanted Rayder safe. Alex put his gun down and started taking me with him by holding my wrist.

I turned around to look at Rayder who was coming towards me to stop me.

"I am sorry Rose," Alex said, turned around and shot Rayder on his right arm.
Rayder cried in pain and a scream left my mouth.

"At least I didn't kill him." He said while still looking at Rayder. He was loosely holding his gun and I took the advantage of this opportunity and snatched the gun from his hand and pointed it towards the Alex.

"You are not going to shoot me, Rose." He stated with a smile on his face.

I once looked at Rayder who passed out because of the gunshot. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger.
"Ah... " bullet hit Alex right in his arm.

"This is for my father," I stated.

I threw the gun on the ground and ran towards Rayder who was unconscious. I immediately called an ambulance and took both of them to the hospital.

After about five hours, Rayder was finally awake.
"Rayder... "I said and hugged him.

Suddenly the nurse entered and said."Mr Alex is completely fine now..."

I nodded and she left the room.

"How he got shot?" Rayder asked me.

"I shot him because he killed my father," I said and none of us spoke.

The door flew open and there entered three police officers.

"Mrs Rose on your statement, we checked the CCTV footage of the shop near your house and it is clear that Alex killed your dad. When he will be discharged from the hospital we will take him to the court." One of the officers said.

"Thank, you officer," I said and gave him a smile.

After few months.

"Why is it all dark in here," I said as I entered the room.

Suddenly the light flew open and there stood Rayder, mom and our friends.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSE!!" Everyone shouted.

"OMG…. I can't believe…. Thank you. Thank you so much Rayder, Mom and everyone." I said with my fingers covering my mouth.

"I love you all"


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