Chapter 3

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Shadow's POV

It has been a week since the raid. I feel like I failed everyone and I blame myself for the accident. If Terror doesn't wake up soon, we will have to figure out how to feed him. I have been taking care of him and we somehow manage to give him water. Sky and Fury have been doing most the hunting. I haven't left the cave since the raid. Flame checks on us every day and helps me give Terror water. I'm so worried for my friend. I am currently lying in my nest stressing. I heard movement and remeber that Sky and Fury are out hunting. I jumped up and ran over to Terror. He is moving! He finally opened his eyes and saw me standing right next to him. He tried to speak but nothing came out. I am confused. He can speak. Right? I am so confused. "Can you speak?" I aked Terror. He answered with a nod saying no. Oh no. He can't speak. And if he can't speak, how can we help him? "Does anything hurt?" Again he said 'no' by noding his head. "Do you want some food?" I asked his. He nodded and stood up. "You wan to hunt?" I asked and he oodded again. It seems that the fall that he took was more serious than we thought. He lost his voice somehow, but at least he can still hear and do everything else. "Come on. I'll trick the guards so we can get out." I said and started walking out with Terror right behind me. Wait, does he still have his shots? I'll have him test it when we get out. He never spoke much, but now, he can't speak at all. I will help him learn how to talk without saying anything. I'll become his translater. We reached the main guards. "Hey, your supposed to have a guard with you." one of them said. "Sorry, but this is really important for Flame, and he is currently out. So let us out just this once?" I pleaded with them. "No. Dragon has trict orders that you can't go out unless you have a guard with you." I silently had a screaming fit when the other guard said that. "Dragon wants me to fetch Flame. Because we are the fastest kinds of dragon." I said. "Fine, you may go out." the guard said. I mentally whacked him acoss the head with my tail. They are so dumb. I took to the air, going slowly because I don't know how injured Terror's wings are. I look back and see him flying like he normally does. I sped up a bit and he did it just fine. Okay, his wings are fine. "Terror, I need you to try and use all four shots to see it that has been damaged or not." I said to him and he nodded and shot obove me, both sides and below. Well that is good. "Let's just hunt on this island. It's big and we need to go a little easy because you just awoke from being unconcious for a week." He nodded and we flew to a lake that is on the other side of the island. We both like fish, so, why not go fishing? I landed beside the lake and Terror landed beside me. Now that I think about it, Terror doesn't suit his name at all. Oh well, who cares. I started catching what I can and Terror is doing the same. I caught a few extra for Terror because it looks like he is having trouble getting some. "Here, have these. I already caught everything I want." I said to him. He looked at me before eating them. "We better get back before one of those guards alert Dragon. First we will find Flame, Sky and Fury." I said as we took to the air. We came around to near the caves and saw the three. I shot in front of them to get thier attention. They didn't see Terror yet because he is behind me. Sky shot towards me as soon as she saw me. She stopped right in front o me and saw another pair of wings. "When did you have four wings like a stormcutter?" "I don't." I chuckled. "Terror? TERROR!!!" Sky sqealed. "Sky. Sky! He can't speak anymore. Other than that everything is fine." I said. She looked at me wierdly. Flame and Fury reached us. "OK. Before you two can say anything, Terror is fine, only, he can't speak anymore." I said before any one of them could say anything. "How did you get out without me ?" Flame asked. "Well... um.. I kinda... lied to the guards saying Dragon needs you. But I can make that true. We need to raid that dark, greyish island. And I need more practice. Tell him we will go on a raid in about two weeks time." I explained to Flame. "Let's go. We need to get back." Flame said. We all started flying to the caves. The same guards are still out and saw us and imediently let us in. I don't care about them. Flame left for Dragona and we went back to our cave. Sky and Fury are tired so they just went to thier nests and fell asleep. Terror and I spent the day making up symbols for him to write on the ground. I memorrized them so I can help him learn them. Terror scratched somethig in the ground. I read it and he said "I am bored." By the symbols. He is rather easy to teach symbols.

Terror's POV (A/N never thought I would do this now did you?)

This sucks. I can't speak. I remember everthing about the accident. I noticed that Shadow looks like she blames herself for my accident. It is no ones fault but the vikings. I was already pretty silent. Now I am totally silent. Shadow is helping me learn how to speak without saying anything. She seems to have expirience with this. Mabye she had a sibling that was silent like me. None of us really shared our past lives with each other. I never had any siblings or parents. I was a hatchling alone in the world. Never had parents or siblings. So I don't know what it is like to have a family. Shadow has told us of her family. Sky said she had two brothers and two sisters. She said one brother and one sister are a year older than her. Fury said he has a sister. He is the only one of us who is positive that his family is alive and safe. I don't care about the family I never had. Sky and Shadow miss them, but have let them go. I am only here because some large typhoomerang named Dragon found me wandering alone. He brought me here. I don't really care. One good thing about coming here is I learned how to fly and use the lightning I am made for. Yeah, I have a crazy life that is insane. And I have a secret. I don't plan on telling anyone anytime soon either.

*******************Another 2 years**********************

Shadow's POV

We finally don't need a guard for everything! It has been four years since we have been captured. We know what we are doing and soon we need to get out of here. I completed my training with Flame a month ago. And I think I am the only one who extremly over joyed from that. Dragon doesn't care if we randomly take off for a raid. Tonight we are raiding. No planning on esacaping yet. I'm just waiting for the perfect day to. I am still Terror's translater Sky and Fury have learned a few symbols, but nothing much. Terror actually helps me plan the raids.

****Time skip cause I have no idea what to make them do****

(Still shadow's)

We are on our way to a dark island. I don't know or care what the island is called. For me it is just another island to raid. We are geting near. I had already told my patrol what we are doing. And I don't feel like explaining it again.



Yeah, I stopped with the bold. Anyone wonder what Terror's secret is? I think Terror has a harsh life.

Shadow is finally a Raid leader! Now you know how many siblings each of the 4 have. You will like the next chapter. It has more action in it. Opps! To much said. Terror reminds me of gothi now that I think about it. Both of them use symbols to speak. And they both have one main translater fo them. Sorry for the short chapter. This was more of a filler chapter.


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