Chapter 4

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Shadow's POV

Four years ago I became a raid leader. FFour years ago I made Terror my deputy planner thingy. I don't know what to call it. I am currently planning a raid with Terror. Some of the dragons here make fun of him because he can't speak anymore. Everytime someone teases him, I feel guilty. I lead the raid and he had to be the one to get hurt. I actually admire his strength for this. I swear I would have crumbled to pieces. Not literally.  A messagenger came in our cave. I am over by Terror where we normally plan the raids. The messaengers are nadders. Probably because they are fast flyers. "Shadow, Dragon requests your presence." the messenger said. "Thank you. You may leave." I said to him. A lot of  Dragon's workers are male. I don't know why. Honestly, females have more sense. "I'll be back if I make it through the torture of speaking to that beast." I said to Terror. I walk out of the cave and towards the beats 'lair.' I utterly hate that thing. I refuse to say he is a drogon because a normal dragon has a heart. This beast doesn't. What i don't get is would he want to see me? I walk inside his 'lair' and said, "You called for me." a little snotty. "Ah Shadow. Nice you to drop by." Dragon said. Even his name confuses me. What  dragon names himself  'Dragon'? That is just stupid. He is stupid. "Yeah, whatever. Unless this really concerns me, I have a raid to plan." I said rather snobish. He took no notice. Idiot. "Yes, about raids. You have been upgraded to the highest possible place in the raiding thing." He even says thing like he doesn't know what to call his rading groups. Ha! "You are the very first Lead Raider. That means everything you have gets upgraded. You cave will be bigger and have small caves for all of you. You are provided with sheep wool for your nest if you like. You get to tell the raid leaders where to raid. That won't be to hard. The raid leaders are in lower numbers than you would think. We only have around ten, unless you count yourself and Flame." Dragon explained. Yep, this creepy. "Why is Flame not a raid leader?" "Becasue he is a mentor, raid leader nad guard. All around dragon. You are more of a raider because of your kind of dragon. And raiding is you ever can do. To small for a guard. Almost to little strength for spy. Far to fast for messenger." Dragon said. Oh, now you wanna get into insults? I can do insults to my face just fine, to my whole dragon kind? You are dead meat in my eyes. "And your to smart for everything. And your brains is what we need for telling what group to go where, and, if your up to it. How to do it." Dragon continued. To far, buster, to far. I can't wait to leave this living hell. Nightmare is not even close to what this is. "Just tell where my cave is and when I start." I said, trying really hard not to growl. "Find Flame. He knows where the cave is and you start tomorrow. You may leave." Dragon said. I almost ran out of his 'lair'. He has a 'lair' and not a cave. A cave is supposed to have a nice feeling to it, even if it is not your own. His just makes you wanna run and never return. And I plan to do just that. Once out I got my gang together, we quickly find Flame just more or less doing nothing. Even he has a ton of free time. "Hey Flame, can you show us where the new cave is?" I asked him. "Yeah, follow me. I know that it is your cave." Flame replied. We walk in silence until we reach the cave. "Thank you for taking us here, Flame." I said. "No problem." he replied. He left as we walk inside. The cave is huge compared to the last two caves we've had. I ran to the farthest cave, also the darkest. I blasted the wall to light up this cave. It has a nest in it with a spring on the other side. I wonder what the other caves are like. I claim this one. "I claim the one!" I announce at the entrance of the small cave. "This one's mine!" I heard Sky announce from a cave near-ish to the entrance. "My cave!" Fury almlst yelled. Terror looked at me from across the cave. He gave me the look that says 'mine' and went back in. We all did and made everything just how we like it. I don't know how this cave was made. It doesn't look like a whispering death tunnel. And to small for screaming, but big enough that I can glide in the main cave. I glided over to Terror's cave. He looked up from whatever he was doing. "Terror. We need to get out of here. Dragon has made some sort of asigner for raids. And it starts tomorrow.  I want you to help me plan the escape. We need to find a place for all the other raid leaders to raid while we escape. We wil use berk as our escape excuse." I said to him. He noded and said, "Okay, I'll plan the whole thing so you can do your job. Just tell me when we are going to do our false raid." by scrathing the symbols into the ground. "You just tell me when Your plan is ready. Then tell it me and I will tell the others. I will give you all the time you need." I said and flew back to my cave and lied down on my nest after I kinda burned it. I just lay there thinking about everything. I soon fell asleep.

I awoke to find everything dark. I forgot to mention that we have a skylight in our cave. It is a hole in the roof of the cave.At the right time of night, the oon would pass over it. The hole seems to be a small whispering death tunnel. No big enough for my large wingspan though. I look around and see everyone else asleep. I fly up to the tunnel to the outside. I have always loved flying at night. It hides me and it is just nice and calm. I hook my claws on a small ledge in the wall of the tunnel  and start climbing out. The wall is very uneven and makes it a bit easy to get out. I reach the top of the tunnel and climb out of it. The moon is right over head and shining down into the cave. In the dim light my scales look a brighter blue than they are. It must be the moon or something, because my scales never have this prett look in them. I still look a dark blue, but right now thay seem to be navy blue. I don't know why the moon is making my scales like this. Oh well. I  took to the midnight skies. I guess while I'm out here I should scout out berk while I'm at it.

******Time skip******

I have sent everyone out. Terror had told me a week ago when we should escape. Tonight is the night. We escape and get away from that beast forever. Right now we are preparing to head out. Flame is coming with us beacuse he wants to get out of this hell hole as well. "Are we all ready?" I ask. Terror scratched out "Yes I'm ready." in his symbol language. "Ready to go and escape this place for the night." Sky said. I hadn't told Sky and Fury yet. I just plan to tell them when the plan goes into action. We walk out of the wretched caves for the last time in our lives. Terror is beside me while the other three are behind me. I took to the air and started off for Berk.



Another short chapter. Sorry, but that was the best cliffhanger I could do. And I really want to do more cliffhangers. Chapter 5 is already started though. I really love writing this book. It almost caught up with m other book! I also have the excuse of these chapters are longer than the other book. Oh well! Thank you for voting, commenting, reading and following! I really apprciate that. Any way. Feel free to point out any mistakes in all the chapters. I'm just gonna stop now.

Bye my fellow dragons!

Arabelle (D/N: Lightning)

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