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you and jungkook have safely arrived at your apartment. you were shocked by the fact that jungkook decided to walk by himself without your help because earlier he didn't seem that he could walk, he didn't even stumble or trip.

both of you sit on your black leather couch, this is not an awkward situation for you since the both of you used to stick to each other before he got himself a girlfriend. you two look inseparable, of course you are, you've been his best friend since you were born. your parents is jungkook's parents best friend, that's why you two are so close to each other.


"ye?" he replied slurring since he's still in his drunk state

"what happened?"

"uhm... nothing" he answered you hesitantly with a slight fake smile plastering his face

"you sure? because you don't look like 'nothing' happened plus you rarely goes out to the club, alone." you stated

"uh..i don't know?"

"cut the crap jungkook, just tell me. it's okay, i'm here for you" you said while trying to hug him

"....i-" jungkook started to sob

"is it about your girlfriend, hana?"


"what did she do?"

"she cheated on me y/n.."

"she what jungkook?, she cheated on you?" you asked back in confusion, you can feel yourself starting to tense up after he said that. 'how did she dare to do that to him' you thought to yourself.

"yeah she did..sadly"

"am i not enough for her?, why did she break my heart?, why did she leave me y/n?, she doesn't love me anymore...i broke up with her but i- i still love her y/n, i don't know what to do" he said by now, sobbing in your arms while his head is resting in the crook of your neck. all you can do is pat his hair and stroke his back gently.

"she was everything, my first in everything. i put my trust into her, i gave my whole heart to her, my body, my time, my affection, my love and my virginity. but why? why did she break my heart?"

your heart begins to hurt, knowing that your best friend is hurting like this, to be exact your little crush. yes, you do have a little crush on him for about three years till now but he's too blind enough to see that you actually have a little crush on him, since he was too busy minding his own life with his ex but everything has changed.

"jungkook stop crying okay?" you asked him since you can't really stand him crying like this in front of you, it makes you wanna weep too.

"nooo- my heart's breaking y/n"

"i know kook, i know but stop crying for now okay? you look like a cry baby right now. you can cry again tomorrow"

"no, i don't"

"okay then" you decided to stop caressing his hair

"no, don't stop caressing my hair, keep doing it" he ask you while he's crying

"fine.." you said in defeat

jungkook keeps on crying and crying, letting out a small whimpers some time, you didn't ask him to stop again but instead you let him cry but he won't stop and at this point it makes you confused. he's drunk on alcohol and he's crying really hard right now

"jungkook look at me"

"why?" he asked while looking at you with his teary red eyes

you cupped his face, "what do you want koo? it's already 4 am and you won't stop crying jungkook. you should sleep"

"i don't know" the boy replied

"i don't want to be alone y/n, i don't want you to leave me, i want to forget about hana"

"jungkook, you know that i won't and i'll never leave you right? you don't have to be afraid jungkook"

"you will, once you have a boyfriend, you'll leave me and you'll forget about me"

'that's what you've been doing to me jungkook.'

"i won't okay? i won't. how could i forget about you? about my little friend. i won't leave you or forget you kook"

"you sure?"

"100% jungkook"

"don't leave me then"

"kook, didn't you say you wanna pee?"

"really? i forgot about that. i should go to the toilet probably.. hehe"

"okay then, after that let's sleep okay? it's already 04:35 am"

"okay bub "

"ew jungkook not that nickname" you said annoyingly

"no, i love that nickname, bub" he teases you

"yeah yeah, i'll see you in my room yeah" you let him sleep with you since you only have one bedroom in your apartment right now, you haven't clean the guest room in ages and it's probably covered in dust right now. you can't let him sleep on your leather couch either because it's pretty cold right now.


and with that you decided to go to your room, while jungkook is peeing peacefully.

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