Loki - a secret affair

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// READ FIRST!! This fanfic is placed the first Thor movie, just so there is no confusion. This meaning Loki's hair is short, and he hasn't been to earth yet. //

The blooming trees in the garden, the sky in all it's bright beauty with no clouds in sight, the soft grass beneath your bare feet, the sun bathing your s/c skin and warming it with its glow. It was truly a lovely day. You couldn't help but sneak away from Frigga, she had been busy with getting Thor ready for some training, so you had taken the chance and slipped away without a sound.
Frigga was babysitting you while your parents were in a meeting with Odin, about what, you didn't know. All you knew was that it was something about you, but knowing you were well behaved, you weren't very worried about trouble.

As you were caught up in your thoughts, you spotted a small figure laying under the big tree in the middle of the garden. The young prince Loki, if you weren't mistaken. He was a little older than you, but a lot taller already, and even though you were both kids he looked like a teenager compared to you. Tall, slender, but still with a baby face and puppy eyes. The thought made you smile as you moved away, hoping he wouldn't see you. No one was allowed to be there without permission, and you had snuck out there without anyone knowing, so you were in for a big lecture if you got caught.

"Pardon me young mistress, but what are you doing out here?" You felt like your heart was about to jump out of your mouth as the prince stood before you, his short black hair a little ruffled. Was he sleeping? Had you woken him up? No, you couldn't possibly have. "I-I, umm..." You weren't exactly what they'd call a good lair and trying to lie in front of Loki would be like trying to win a fight against Thor. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I come here quite often without permission myself." He spoke, his voice light as a young child's, but soft as a mother. You couldn't help but get lost in him for a moment. Is that what the adults called "Love"? Nah, they always said it was like magic, like flying on a cloud above the most beautiful nature with a prince beside you. "I'm y/n. Frigga is babysitting me today while my parents are talking to Odin." You smiled, but the young prince immediately took a step back, looking rather surprised. "What is it your majesty? Are you alright?" No answer. All he did was stare at you with wonder, awe, and something that seemed to be curiosity. Maybe because of the meeting?

"Oh, I'm sorry, it is extremely rude of me to ignore a young lady." He was so well spoken, not quite like his raging brother, maybe because Thor was older? Who knew. "Come, I'd like to show you something. Hold on to me." A mischievous smile was spread across his lips and he had a glimpse in his eye that you could not quite understand. But, hold on to him? As in hugging? Loki? Prince of Asgard? Why not, then you'd be able to say you had hugged a prince. You did as told and stepped forward, holding tightly around the tall boys waist and felt his arms around your shoulders as your body started to feel weird and a bright light surrounded you. You were about to scream when his hand covered your mouth and you closed your eyes tightly. "You don't have to be afraid, it's over now. Look." His voice sounded in your ear, not more than a small whisper as you slowly opened your eyes, only to widen them to double size when you saw the view. You were at the top of Odins castle, looking down at the buildings, the people, the animals, the nature... you felt like you were flying. "This is my secret place. Don't tell anyone about it, okay? It's our secret." You nodded in agreement, feeling like you had lost your voice as you looked at the young prince again. The sun was right behind him, framing his figure and outlining him with a golden glow that was only suitable for someone as beautiful as him. So, this was what love felt like...

A grin appeared on your lips as you caught yourself daydreaming again, about Loki of course. It had been many years since that happened, but you still saw each other very often. Loki had been promised away to your older sister Sigyn back then, and you to Thor, but that didn't stop the two of you. You and Thor had no other feelings for each other than a brother-sister relationship, whereas Loki despised Sigyn, even though she adored him. But, once again, it didn't stop you. Every night you would sneak away and meet with Loki, who would transport the two of you to the top of Odins castle. You had spent countless hours there in each other's arms, laying close, often reading, talking, looking at stars, or simply just slept while listening to the sound of silence.

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