Loki - Coming out FTM

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Everyone could agree that secrets weren't a good thing, especially in relationships. "Communication is the key" as Pepper always told you, even though she was with Tony. That didn't mean he didn't tell her anything, he just usually told it last minute, which didn't even surprise anyone. But, he never kept secrets, not anymore at least, and neither did the rest of the team. Everyone was pretty open about everything, and they all had one person they talked to mainly about personal stuff. Banner and Nat, Nat and Clint, Peter and Tony, Thor and Loki (to everyone's big surprise) and so on. And you? You had Peter of course. There was a bit of an age gap, but the two of you were still very close with each other and you told him everything. Including when you felt dysphoric.

No one else knew you were transgender, not even your family. Your parents were strongly religious, and you didn't have much contact with your siblings, so you didn't see any reason to let them know. They had probably figured it out already. You had been secretly transitioning since around the age of 9, wearing pants and baggy shirts. Hats had saved your life several times since it took until you were 16 to convince your parents to let you cut your hair. You had chopped several inches off that day, and it had been a huge step on the road for you. When you were 18 you had bought your first binder while during a lot of training, so people thought your flat chest was due to weight loss and nothing else, luckily. You spent the winters in baggy clothes, and the summers in jeans and huge t shirts. You were buying clothes from the boys' section when you went shopping alone, and when your family wasn't around, you would correct people if they called you a "she".
It had been a long journey, but when you finally moved away from home at 21 years old, you finally started on T. You had been excited for months and after a year on T, your appearance had become more masculine and your voice deeper.

Now, you were 24 years old and living your best life. You were living with Tony and Pepper after they had found you on the street 6 months ago. You had been fired from your job after coming out to them and didn't have money for your apartment anymore. You had never told them why you had been fired, so they could believe you had been causing trouble, but you had wanted to keep things down. Everyone at the tower thought you were a male. You dressed like one, you looked like one, acted like one, on your papers you were one, but beneath your clothes... a few things were missing. Saving up for surgery without a job was hard, so Tony were paying you to clean every now and then, since he knew you needed money.

Of course, a few good things had come out of living with The Avengers. Peter, aka Spiderman, had become your new little brother, Nat was like your sister, Tony, Pepper and Steve were like parents, and Thor was like the best friend who got you into trouble, while your other friends, Banner and Clint, would try to talk you out of it. And Loki? He was your boyfriend of course. He had come out to you as pansexual almost at the very beginning because he wanted to be with you. You, on the other hand, he never come out to him, but soon you would have to. A year ago, you had finally contacted a surgeon in Canada, and two weeks ago she had given you a time for your top surgery, which had been set to in 3 months, and you had practically screamed into your pillow out of happiness. You had been glowing for a week straight and everyone knew something was up, but you refused to say why.

You had figured you should probably tell Tony and Pepper first. They had been the ones taking care of you since you came, they had been the parents you had only been able to dream about. They had taken you shopping, ate dinner with you, listened to you, invited you to parties... They were lovely, and they deserved to know. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't have gotten the surgery in the first place or been able to continue T.
You had been debating how you should come out to them. Your first idea was to just walk around in your binder or something, but that would be too sudden and unclear. You'd have to come clean. You were just going to talk to them about it, it would be fast, easy... like ripping off a band-aid. You had planned everything in your head, but you knew Tony and he would probably react in a really weird way that you hadn't thought of yet. It wouldn't surprise you, he did that often. The thought made you laugh a little to yourself before taking a deep breath. Today was the day. You had laid awake for the last hour, even though your alarm wasn't supposed to go off before noon. You were a heavy sleeper, so Tony had often woken you up because he had been listening to your alarm for 10 minutes straight. Most of the time you'd ask him if he'd rather listen to something gay for 10 minutes, cause then you'd call Loki up. Of course, that didn't make you very popular, but the others thought it was funny.
Regarding you and Loki's sex life, you had gone all the way, several times, on the compromise that the lights would be off, and he wouldn't touch you down there. So far, he hadn't noticed and thought you were just shy or something, so he hadn't suspected anything major yet. Yet...

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