Diary Entry #11 - Brett & Olivier's Vulnerable Species Protection Agency (VSPA)

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Fall 2018

Syracuse, NY

Brett's POV

"Why didn't you tell me you could shapeshift into a wolf?" Olivier questions, as he and I walk out of the locker room, down the hall and into the back ice area where another room for concussion and injuries is located.

"I'm sorry, Olivier," I murmur, hugging his muscular shoulder. "Bray said it wasn't time yet. I was Bray's first after all. Bray and I have always been together, since juniors." He nuzzles his head into Olivier's shoulder now.

"Well, no more secrets if you and I are gonna work out as a thing, young man."

I giggle. "Of course. I'm an open book now. Ask me anything."

"Okay," Olivier begins, halting in place and snapping his head to look at Brett. "Why the wolf?"

It's a good question. I look up at him and then lift my head from his shoulder. I can't explain without visuals, so I look around for any life. When I see none, I grab his hand and stare at his palm. "When I was eighteen...I had a series of dreams about a white wolf visiting me and howling into my soul. His howl would resonate with me, until finally I was out on a hunting trip with some buddies...we went deep into the Canadian woods and one of them had a rifle. He spotted a beautiful wolf on top of a rock, just howling. He lifted the gun up, shot and the wolf dropped off the rock."

Olivier's face morphs to horror.

"I broke the gun, beat him over the head with it and rushed as fast as I could through the snow to it. Blood was splattered everywhere and the wolf was pawing at the ice, trying to get up."

Tears form in Olivier's eyes.

"I made it to him and protected him, while my friends - or who I thought were my friends - yelled at me and cussed me out. I remember shouting back at them with fury and an unmatched anger. The wolf put his paw on my hand and looked into my eyes. It howled and then died."

A few tear drops trickle down Olivier's face. "Cruel. Nasty. I'd have beat those assholes too."

Brett nods and looks at his feet. "I never ever forgave them. And they turned on me. They in turn beat me, spat on me and left me for dead in the wilderness. But I didn't once leave the white wolf, eventually scooping his limp body into my arms and I trudged through the snow to... Brayden's house. The only friend I had left."

Olivier wipes his eyes and hugs me.

"Brayden helped bury the wolf with me and he never strayed from my side. The dreams stopped but...the next morning I woke up to an icy gold tiara sitting on my nightstand and the white wolf standing beside it. The wolf howled and the tiara glowed a magnificent gold and then he vanished into the air."

Olivier pulls back. "You...?"

"I was raised with sisters. I thought one of them had left it. I didn't realize that it was enchanted..." I let go of Olivier's hand to walk into the room and over to the wall. This room is a lot more than just the place for injuries. It's a double sided room thanks to Brayden's magical powers.

Olivier watches me, curiously confused.

I flip a switch and a small square box juts out from the wall. "You think the boys would approve...if I walked around wearing this all the time?" I lift up a shiny glassy golden tiara made of ice. It flashes gold as I set it upon my head.

"Ummmm, all I ask is that you don't break out any dresses," Olivier chuckles.

"Okay, I'm not THAT girly, Archy," I retort, putting my hands on my hips. "Just pretty. Fabulously pretty."

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