The start

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Bonnie was walking out of her house going to visit Grams grave. If only you were here Grams. Bonnie thought, she was sad all the time feeling like she wasn't enough for people. All her friends had used her for were for spells anyways. She always wondered why no one stopped to think about her feelings for a change. No one ever asked her if she wanted to do it, no instead the tell her to. Even her friends seemed to stop caring after all these vampires showed up giving all their attention to them. They had all failed to realize that some times she felt like she wanted to die. No one would care anyways they were all too caught up in their own lives.

She arrived to Grams grave and sat down with the flowers she brought. "Hi Grams" Bonnie took a deep breath. "Its been so bad since you have died" she said holding back tears "I really wish you were here with me right now but you're not. I really need someone to talk to" Bonnie had no more strength to hold them back anymore and she broke down and cried. "No one cares for me anymore. Dad is never here so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be so sad if I just died, right? Everyone is all caught up in their own problems to even see if I'm alright so," Bonnie attempts to wipe away her tear but they just kept on falling. "I miss you , so much but I will only fight for as long as I can". Bonnie sits there for a few moments to catch her breath before she starts talking again. " My friends went to a ball" she chuckles " I wasn't even invited but it's okay I'm pretty sure the Queen of England will invite me to one of hers some day" She's lost. "Everyone only calls me if they need a spell. I should say no but I don't want anyone that I love getting hurt." Bonnie ended up pouring her whole heart out to her Grams, she was the only one who actually took the time out their day just to listen to Bonnie.

Bonnie didn't know how long she sat there for but it was getting dark out so she said her goodbyes on her way to leave. As she is walking out her senses alerted her that there was someone present. She turned around to see who was behind her but no one was there. Bonnie turned to start walking again and that's when her heart almost leaped out of her chest. The original hybrid was standing just a couple of feet away. "What do you want" Bonnie basically hissed at him. "Well I was in the neighborhood, heard your sob stories- you'd think that you, a Bennett witch wouldn't be so" Klaus stopped and made his face scrunch, "sad and lonely. But enough of the chit chat." Before Bonnie could reply to him he used his vampire speed to knock her out using her pressure point.

Bonnie woke up with her vision blurred for a little bit as her memories came back to her. Bonnie's eyes widened as she remembered everything that happened and she stood up as she looked around for a close exit. She would have jumped out the window but the original hybrid stopped her before she could do anything. "Leaving so soon." The hybrid gave her a devilish smirk Bonnie hated it and was ready to punch it right off his face. "What do you want from me." Bonnie asked furiously, " Well its quite simple actually. I need you to unlink me and my siblings from each other." Bonnie stood there shocked by what he said. She shouldn't be surprised that he asked her for something but she was. "You really couldn't find another witch" Bonnie asked "The spell was created by the Bennett bloodlines energy and I needed a Bennett witch and well you know the rest" Bonnie rolled her eyes " I've gathered some grimoires for you to study the spell from. When I get back you should be ready." Before the words left Bonnie's mouth he was out of there in a flash.

Hours later Klaus finally came back into the room. "Tick tock. I should hear chanting by now" Bonnie sighed annoyed by his presence " I'm still studying the unlinking spell. It's not easy under duress." Klaus practically growled as the words left his mouth " If you are looking for a way to send for help, I will kill anyone who comes to your rescue." Klaus said smirking. " This is the spell I just don't know if I am strong enough to do it." Bonnie got up and walked across the room being so close to him made her uncomfortable. " You should have a little more faith in yourself, Bonnie. Your energy helped my mother link us. I think someone isn't trying very hard." Klaus gave Bonnie a murderous look, anyone else would have cowered in fear but Bonnie kept her head held high. Giving him a look of refusal. Klaus pulled out his phone and call his brother. " Kol how is the weather up there in mile high city. And how is how friend?" The hybrid walked around Bonnie and smirked in her direction as she gave him a murderous look. The hybrid walked next to her almost inches away from her face showing her the phone. Little did she know she would be seeing Jeremy. Bonnie face dropped as she seen him with a wave of worry hit her. Klaus pulled away " Thank you Kol. We'll be in touch. So, Bonnie. How about that spell?"

Bonnie was deep in thought wondering what she would do. The obvious answer was she would do it. No. Bonnie thought, she was done getting pushed down by everyone. Bonnie raised her head looked the hybrid dead in the eyes. "No," Bonnie said with a small growl of her own. "What?" The hybrid was sure that he had her. Klaus was on the edge of killing her. Bonnie prepared herself so if he had tried anything she would be ready. "I thought you loved him and you are just gonna let him die. And do nothing." Klaus yelled, he was angry by her answer. All that Bonnie did was blink at him. She didn't even flinch. That made the hybrid angrier. Klaus tried to attack her but before he do anything she gave him an aneurism. "Witch!" he yelled through his moans of pain. Any other time this had happened to him it always felt like an itch. But when Bonnie did it it made him sink to his knees. There was blood coming down his ears and nose. Sweat forming on his forehead. Finally Bonnie stopped . " I am done getting pushed around by all of you." Bonnie said, she was about to walk out but his words stopped her. "Your father is in my dungeon if you don't unlink us he will die. There is no way of breaking him out either so I suggest you unlink us." He got up and walked towards her. "Its your choice" Klaus said grinning. Bonnie couldn't let her dad die. He was the only family she had left. "Fine I will do your spell but after I'm done you let him go." "It would be my honor" Klaus said with his devilish voice. He always had a backup plan. The fact that he had to use it surprised him the most. It made him wonder about Bonnie also.

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