the spell

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Phasmatos Ex Solves, Exis Paunos Animotos. Phasmatos De Conjunctos, Sua Facto Dux Male. Phasmatos Ex Solves, Exis Paunos Animotos, De Conjunctos Sua Facto. Phasmatos Devos Male. Bonnie starts the unlinking spell, she obviously didn't want her father to die. That was the only person who actually cared about her really. Even though he's not always around. She cares for Jeremy, she really does but if it push comes to shove she would let him die. Is it wrong for her to put her family first, no, so why does she feel bad? She stops thinking about that for a while so she could focus on finishing the spell and hurry up and get out of the Mikaelson's mansion.

She finished the spell. "Its done" Bonnie was on her way out of the room until the hybrid stopped her. Bonnie's soul jumped out of her. "Can you please stop doing that, Jesus" Bonnie yelled. When she said that, all Klaus did was stare at her with his emotionless face. He had gotten pretty good at hiding his emotions over the centuries. It has come in handy. For a minute they both just stared at each other not saying a word. Bonnie finally just tried to go around him and leave. Surprisingly he let her, he followed her down the stairs and out the door. Before they could even get the door Rebekah popped up. "Leaving so soon", she said in a sarcastic voice. "Sister, be nice", he said smirking at her. "Thank you Bonnie", there was a brief pause, "see you in physics class" she said smiling and walking off. Bonnie wasn't expecting to see what she had. Damon hanging and all bloody and bruised. She started to walk towards him ready to take him down. "Bonnie", Damon said in a weak voice that made her want to go to him even more. She would never admit it but she kind of cared for him, just a little bit. The voice behind her stopped her from going to him, "go on, help the man who turned your mother into a vampire" Klaus says. She then realized what she was doing, always trying to save someone. I need to stop doing that, always trying to save someone who wouldn't even save me. Bonnie took a couple of steps back and turned around and looked at the hybrid. "Just get me out of here", she said in a cold voice, "very well ". Klaus put his hand at her lower back and guided her out of the house. His hand being on Bonnie's back sent a chill down her spine.

Once Bonnie got outside she get's a call from Elena. Great. "Bonnie, where the hell have you been", Elena said. "I've been at Klaus's, Elena he made me do an unlinking spell. He threatened Jeremy and my mom", she was on the edge of a cliff right now ready to jump. She didn't want to tell Elena that Damon was being held by the Mikaelson's, it was like a little punishment of her own. " Oh my god, Bonnie are you ok?" Yup there it was, Bonnie was jumping off of that cliff. "I don't know", a pause, "I'm sorry I have to go", was all Bonnie said before she hung up the phone. Bonnie slid down on the side of her car and started crying. She started crying about a little of everything. Her mom being a vampire because of Damon, her dad almost dying, and Klaus threatening her so she could do the unlinking spell. It was all just to much for her to handle so this was the only way she could let it out. Crying.

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