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A/N: Hey guys I'm going to try to update this by weekly but I also have school. In this chapter I will be fast forwarding to 4x17 so enjoy! :)

"You want me to kill witches?" Bonnie say with a very confused look on her face as Silas/Shane was sitting across from her getting very annoyed. "Its temporary they'll come back", he said. "What if I'm not strong enough", Bonnie says doubting herself. "Once they realize how strong you are, they'll channel each other one by one using spirit magic till they CD an strip you of expression. You have to endure them until all twelve of them are linked as one", Silas/Shane says trying to convince her. Someone is coming through the door. Its was Bonnie's dad, if they want this plan to work, then they will have to convince her father that she's not getting better. "You're the one who taught her the magic and now can't control it. I want you out of my house", Rudy says getting mad. "If we just call on the spirits-", Rudy cut him off before he could even finish. "I want you OUT of my house!" He yelled furiously. "WAIT", Bonnie screamed breaking all of the windows in the livingroom. To convince him she had to do something. "I need you to call mom. We need witches, a lot of them" Bonnie said.

"There's been two massacres. Pastor Young's farm is here", Caroline says while drawing a line on the map. "And the old Lockwood cellar, where you spitefully slaughtered twelve of your own hybrids, is here". Klaus looked down at her smiling, not at what she said no, but at what he had done. In Klaus' opinion they all deserved what they got going behind his back breaking the bond and trying to kill him. Caroline speaking broke his train of thought and he went back to listening to her. "According to the book, the expression triangle is equilateral, putting it here." Caroline says in a soft and flirty manner. Klaus then begins to smirk at her. "Someone has been skipping their Geometry classes." The hybrid said with grin, "there are actually two places where the massacre could be." He then draws on the map making another triangle. When he's done doing that he then looks up at Caroline. She is kind of good looking. Klaus thinks to himself. Caroline noticed that he was staring at her so she looked up and stared at him back. There was a moment of silence, their faces were so close together that if either of them needed to breathe the other would feel it. Before anything could happen Stefan walked into the room. "I think I just found Silas".

 "Call out to the spirits Bonnie, let them in". Bonnie did exactly what the witch said. "phesmatos- AHHHHHHH. I can't it hurts", Bonnie yelled out. It almost felt like someone was drilling a hole in her skull. "Its because you have rejected the spirits", the witch claimed "you let the expression get to you" The witch took matters into her own hands and started the spell again. "I change my mind", Bonnie said in a soft and scared voice. But the witch kept on with the spell, trying to rid her of that dark magic. "Let me GO", Bonnie started to get mad because the witch wouldn't listen. Bonnie then starts to use her own magic to try and stop her but something else happened. The witches, all twelve of them linked together in order to stop the expression from consuming her whole. Yes, its all going according to plan. Bonnie thought to herself, but it was kind of hard to fight them off. The more they were chanting the more pain she felt.

 Stefan was on the phone with Damon until he heard a scream. He knew exactly who it was, he used his vampire speed to get there. Within seconds Stefan was staring at twelve witches chanting and a screaming Bonnie who looked horrible. There was blood bleeding out of her nose and ears, and her tears were blood. Her body just kept jerking around while she was screaming in agonizing pain. He couldn't take the scene anymore so he had to try and stop it. "Stop it. It's not what you think. Silas is using her to kill all of you", the witch looked up at him with a scared look on her face. "If Silas has gotten to her you leave me no choice", the witch stated while taking a knife from beside her and raising it above Bonnie's chest. "NOOO", Stefan shouted. "Motus!" Stefan went flying back into the trees. He tried to move from the tree but it seemed like he was stuck there. "I have the power of twelve witches. You don't stand a chance". The witch finally let him go but even a vampire older than him knew not to go back or he'd end up dead.

  Klaus was the first one to show up to the scene, he saw what was happening and to be honest he didn't care. Sure, she saved him and his siblings once before but this was their mess that they had to get out of on their own. Klaus was just there for the show. The hybrid walked over to Stefan with a smirk on his face. "The witches are linked already and Bonnie's gonna kill them", Stefan stated. What Klaus said  surprised him, "Not if they kill her first". Stefan had a confused look on his face wondering why he would come all this way just to not save her. Before Stefan could even say anything his back was up against a tree. "What are you doing," Stefan said. "If you save her we'll be doing what Silas wants." Klaus said, Stefan was confused, then why is he here, what is he planing. Stefan thought to himself, out the corner of his eye he saw Caroline and from the look in her eyes he had already knew what she was planing. Caroline was just going to save Bonnie but strong hands wrapped around her neck and broke it. It was Klaus, before she could do anything Klaus stopped her snapping her neck. Klaus didn't see the problem in doing it, if they had stopped the witches all of them would be dead. Klaus would never admit that aloud but it was true. 

   Bonnie was still in pain, she heard what was going on around her Stefan was trying to save her but the witch didn't let him get a chance. It made her so angry that even though she was hurting she had to fight through the pain. Bonnie needed to get out of their grasp, she was thinking of any spell possible but nothing was working. Her head tilted to the side a little and she could see what was going on outside of the circle of magic. She could see Klaus, why was he there? Bonnie questioned herself but she also seen how the hybrid had Stefan up against a tree. She didn't like it at all but what she had seen next made her even more angrier. Seeing Klaus break Caroline's neck did something to her, it was like her power amplified. Bonnie screamed, she screamed so loud that the witches ears started to bleed. All the witched started to scream in agony because it felt like knives went into their ears. "Keep going," the lead witch said, "we're almost done." The witch lifted the knife above Bonnie again, before she could even get to Bonnie, all the witches around her started to burst into flames. She didn't understand what was happening, the witch then looked down at Bonnie who's eyes were solid white. The last thing she heard Bonnie say was, "the triangle is complete." When the witch realized what she said she tried to stab Bonnie once more but before she could she was lit into flames with the rest of her coven. 

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