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When Stafan pulled up to Bonnie's house, she was still knocked out cold. Thank god that her father wasn't there or he would have had to explain what happened to her. When Stafan got to her room, he gently laid her down on her bed. He took a minute to step back and look at her. Stefan couldn't lie, Bonnie was a nice painting to look at. He had always thought she was pretty, but he couldn't actually act on it because of "girl code" which in Stefan's opinion was stupid. Coming out of his thoughts he saw Bonnie shift on her bed but she didn't wake up. As she shifted on her bed, some of her hair got in her face. Stefan walked over to Bonnie's bed and moved her hair out of her face. As he was removing his hand, Bonnie's eyes shot open. "Motus," Bonnie said making Stefan hit the wall and fall to the ground. As his back hit the floor he groaned a little. "Stefan?" Bonnie questioned, "yeah, its me," Stefan groaned as he stood up walking back over to Bonnie's bed. She got up and had met him halfway and helped him to her bed. "You need to be resting," Stefan commented as he sat down on her bed. "Resting for what?" Bonnie questioned, there would is no reason for her to be resting, unless she forgot about a spell she was supposed to be doing. No, I wouldn't forget a spell. So why did he say that. It was like Stefan had read her mind because he had answered her question without really asking him. "You know, the witches and you setting them on fire," he said looking at her with a concerned look because it looked like she didn't understand what he was saying. "Wait, what do you remember?" There was a brief moment of silence because she actually had to think about it. She just started to realize that she didn't take herself up to bed. "Uh I don't know, I was sitting in my livingroom trying to learn to control my magic with Silas." She started tearing up because of what else he had said, "Stefan, what do you mean I set witches on fire."

  I couldn't possibly had killed someone. Bonnie wasn't the killing type. It really wasn't her, if it came down to killing it would've been her last choice. She started crying heavy when flashes of her memory started coming back to her. She remembered, she remembers the witches trying to kill her but what she hates most about it is, she liked the feeling when she set the last witch on fire. That's not me, Bonnie said to herself. Stefan saw that she was crying, like really hard and she started gasping for air. "Bonnie, hey, are you okay?" He asked her, "I think I'm-having a panic- attack," she told Stefan. "Bonnie listen to me, just breathe in and out." She tried but it just wasn't working, "it's not working." She told Stefan, shit, Stefan thought to himself. He couldn't think of anything because it had been quite a while since someone he cared about had a panic attack. Then he remembered something, something he read on the internet because he was bored one day. It had to be the only way to stop it, "Bonnie, look at me," and she did exactly what he said but before she even realized it Stefan's lips were on her mouth.

When he had pulled away he opened his eyes and looked at her. She was definitely in shock. Bonnie's eyes got big and she was holding her breath. She was holding her breath! Stefan thought to himself, "yes, it worked." Bonnie was confused, "what worked?" Stefan turned his head to look back at Bonnie, "when you held your breath, it stopped didn't it?" He asked, "I mean yeah but you didn't have to kiss me, you could've just told me. You can't just kiss someone who you are friends with, without meaning it or not knowing what it meant for the other person." Yeah, Bonnie could admit that she did have a small crush on Stefan, it went away when she found out he was a vampire. But him doing that just made some small feelings come back. "Sorry, I wasn't thinking at the moment but don't think I didn't think about telling you to hold your breath, I did. But I would've missed my chance of getting to kiss you." He didn't know what made him say that but it just all fell out. Bonnie didn't know what to say or do but or body had other plans for her. Him saying those things to her was kind of a turn on, being honest about what you're feeling is a big turn on for her. Stefan smirked to himself when he had smelled her arousal. Neither of them could stop it, it was like they were under some type of spell. They were just staring into each others eyes and one thing lead to another and they started to make out.

A/n: hey I know this chapter didn't have Klaus in it but I really wanted to write a fic with a little Stefan liking Bonnie instead of Elena🙄 or Caroline. Anyways in the next chapter there will be Klonnie I promise.

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