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"I'm not a babysitter, how am I supposed to keep tabs on my brother all the time!" Damon says, " What about you, wheres Bonnie?" Damon asked furiously. The whole gang has been looking for Bonnie and Stefan for a week now and neither of them has shown up. "Don't you dare try to flip this on me! I've been searching for them too, you're not the only one who's worried, Damon." Caroline shot back at him. She's been in a mood for a while and Damon firing shots at her only made it worse. She hasn't seen her best friend in a week and she's worried sick! "Guys, don't argue right now, we're gonna get Stefan back-" "And Bonnie, we're going to get Bonnie back too," Caroline said annoyed at Elena only worrying about Stefan, it always Stefan. "It's like you've forgotten about your own best friend." Elena sighed annoyingly, "Bonnie is fine Care, she can handle herself, she always has." That statement alone made Caroline's ears turn red but before she could even say anything to Elena the front door to the boarding house slammed. Everyone's head turned surprised by the interruption of their conversation. "Stefan? We've been looking for you like crazy- dude you smell like death," Damon didn't want it to look like he was too worried so he obviously had to change the subject. "Thanks for the warm welcome, uh I'm gonna go take a shower," He said as he walked up the stairs but before he could make it he was stopped by Elena. "That's it, you're gonna go 'take a shower', we've been worried sick looking for you and that's all you have to say?" She was furious at him, acting like he wasn't just gone for a whole week! "Did I ask you to?" He asked truly curiously, "What?" Elena didn't understand why he was acting like this. "I am 170 years old, Elena, I don't need a babysitter. If I want to disappear for a week I can do that. I don't need anyone, especially you out looking for me." Elena was in shock by the words that left Stefan's mouth. She had never heard him talk like that, even to her. He was always so sweet and thoughtful when he spoke and not like his asshole brother. "Okay, we get it you're a grown man but where's Bonnie? It's not like her to just disappear without letting anyone know." Caroline asks, "I don't know but maybe you can ask her boyfriend," Stefan spat as he walked up to his room not wanting to be interrogated anymore. "Boyfriend?" Everyone in the room was confused by Stefan's words. "Since when did Bonnie have a boyfriend."

Bonnie woke up on a vintage couch trying to remember how she got there. Oh shit!  Bonnie thought to herself as the memories came flooding back to her. She moved to put her shoes on trying to rush out of there. She was ready to leave before anyone noticed that she woke up because who wants to start their morning off with a bunch of vampires. Well, I'm kinda used to it now. Bonnie says to herself but the difference was these were original vampires and not some 170 years old amateurs who can't take an aneurysm because these originals can. As Bonnie was trying to rush outta there she couldn't stop herself from taking in the scenery, it was so beautiful. They had ceilings as tall as the sky with chandeliers, worth probably millions hanging from them. As Bonnie made her way to the front door she couldn't help but get flashbacks of that night. Bonnie. She still feels guilty about leaving Damon there that night. go on, help the man who turned your mother into a vampire. But Klaus's words stop her from feeling guilty for too long. she proceeded out the door because she didn't want to stay any longer than she had to. " Going somewhere, love?" Shit! Why does this always happen to me? She question to a God that she's not sure she believes in. She slowly turns hoping it's not the devil himself but who's face she sees surprised her. "Elijah?" Bonnie says with a confused face, "So what, now everyone in your family has that stupid charming opening line" Bonnie says with a roll of her eyes. Elijah chuckles, that's new, "Sorry to ruin the party here but I think it's time for me to leave." She says hoping he would just let her be on her way but of course, he doesn't. "I don't think Niklaus would be happy with you leaving without him knowing." He says in a cynical manner. "Umm why would he not be okay with me leaving" she scoffs, "unless you want something from me" she says in a suspicious tone. "Ms. Bennett I assure you that I don't mean to waste your time honestly but my brother brought you in last night and he promised me to make sure you don't leave." Bonnie couldn't believe what he just said. Who did Klaus think she was, a slave. That's ironic. She thought to herself. "Yeah I'm not sure if being alive this long has messed up a few brain cells but I am not someone to be just auctioned off." She says in a serious tone. "Ms. Bennett I warrant you-" she cuts him off, "No I think we're done here. *SNAP* His body falls limp on the floor as she used her magic to snap his neck. She looks around to make sure the cost was clear and when she's finally sure she rushes out the manor.
Bonnie woke up to a bright light hitting her face, "Good morning sunshine" a soft voice spoke to her. Instead of responding Bonnie flipped over onto her stomach and hid under the pillows. "5 more minutes" she said groggily, the person in the room chuckled, "Now I ain't yo mama so I'm not gonna force you to get outta bed but" the person in the room moved to sit on the bed she was currently staying in, "I would advise you to not sleep the rest of your life away when you're only this young. I don't know what happened out there in Mystic Falls but baby you're not there any right now, you're here with me, your big cousin." Lucy stood up from the bed Bonnie was in and slowly headed out the door "There's breakfast downstairs when you're ready to be alive" she said with a smile and walked out the room and shut the door behind her. Bonnie finally came out of hiding and got ready for the day.
She decided to go to her cousins house in Ohio to get away from Mystic Drainer, she chuckled at the name she gave it. It was hard not to think about who she left behind without telling them first. But the only way she was actually gonna get some peace was to go off grid. While she's been staying at her big cousins house she's been off of social media and she has put her phone in a lock box that is spelled shut to keep it from her it. With no connection to the outside world it makes her worry. What if Klaus is mad at her for leaving unannounced so he decided to kill all her friends, what if Elijah is out there looking for her now to put end to her for temporarily killing him, what if her plants die!! There were so many unfortunate events that could take place while she was gone. But isn't that why you left. Ahh there it is that little voice in her head who she never listens to but today she does. It's right, she went out there to get away from all of it so she allows her body to fully relax and get away from the supernatural for a little bit.
As Bonnie made her way downstairs the first smell that hit her nose was Pancakes. Mmhhh. Her mouth started to water a little bit as she made her way to the kitchen. "There she is" her cousin said with a bright smile. "Whatcha doing?" Bonnie smiled back at her trying to make little conversation but really all she wanted was food. "Making your food, I know that you're vegan now so I made you some vegan pancakes with a bowl of fruit" she says as she hands her the plate. "Thanks but I'm actually vegetarian so I'll take some of those eggs too." Lucy slid some eggs onto Bonnie's plate and some on her own. She walked around the table and sat next to Bonnie, " So, you've been here a couple of days and still haven't told me why." Lucy says with a more serious tone. She was usually beaming with sunshine but seeing her cousin down made clouds form around her. Bonnie let out a sigh, she knew it was coming but she prayed that it didn't. Bonnie stopped eating her food and turned to her big cousin and told her everything.
A/N: HI!! I know last month i said i was gonna update but I didn't. I wanted to give Bonnie a chance to step back from her life and look at it from the outside. So in the next chapter Bonnie will be back but not like how you remember her. Enjoy!!! Give me feedback thanks. Do you like this or should I go in a different direction? YESSS KLONNIE IS COMING I KNOW I KEEP SAYING IT BUT I LOVE BONNIE AND WANT HER TO HAVE THE BEST

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