What have I done??

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A/N: I'm sorry it has been so long since I've updated I just didn't know where I wanted to take this chapter. But I hope you like it enjoy.

Bonnie didn't realize how far they had gotten until she noticed that their shirts were off and Stefan was in the process of pull her pants off. What am I doing?  Bonnie questioned herself, she knew that Stefan still loved Elena and would choose Elena over her any day. But why was it so bad for Bonnie to feel good just for one night. Not even Jeremy touched her the way that Stefan did. "Bonnie, are you sure you want to do this?" Stefan asked because he knew Bonnie and he knew that she might regret this later. But he couldn't help himself, this might be his only chance to ever get close to her again. Bonnie softly kissed Stefan on the lips, she didn't even have to say anything, he already knew the answer. Stefan broke the kiss knowing that Bonnie would need to catch her breath soon. He started trailing kisses down her neck, making goosebumps appear all over Bonnie's body. He went slowly down her neck and started giving attention to her breast. Bonnie gasped because she has never felt anything like that before. Stefan moved lower and lower covering her whole body with kisses until he stopped at her underwear. Lace, nice. Stefan thought to himself, he then took her underwear off slowly and as he did that he could smell her arousal mixed with her scent, honey and vanilla. He then trailed kisses down her thighs until her reached his destination. His hot breath is what she felt first making her moan a little, Stefan chuckled at her reaction. Then finally, his lips lightly kissed her heated center. Bonnie gasped at his touch thinking he would be rough but it was like he was eating a meal and savoring every bite. Then it happened, he flicked his tongue at her center making her moan loudly. Every flick of his tongue sending electric shocks of pleasure through her body. "Stefan...." Bonnie moaned his name over and over again with every flick of his tongue. She started getting butterflies in her stomach knowing she was coming to her release. She grabbed the sheets, pulling at them so hard that she might rip them. She lifted her hips in motion with his mouth making more butterflies come to her stomach. Bonnie let out a scream almost breaking the windows. All she felt was a flood of pleasure that went over her whole body making her toes curl. She started shaking because even after her release he was still making love to her center and it felt like the most amazing thing in the world. Stefan finally stopped and slowly slid his tongue up her body until he reached her mouth. Bonnie wasn't prepared when Stefan slid into her slowly, she gasped because she wasn't expecting him to do it so smoothly, isn't this supposed to hurt?  Bonnie thought to herself, when her friends told her about their experience they told her it was the worst pain in the world. But for Bonnie it actually felt okay. Stefan slid in and out of her slowly to help her get used to him being inside of her. Then Stefan picked up the pace making Bonnie start to moan loudly. Bonnie followed his lead and lifted her hips as he thrust in and out of her. This made Stefan grunt and moan himself because it has been a while since he had deflowered someone. But put all of the other people were nothing compared to Bonnie, none of them felt like her or moved like her, he'd usually have to tell them what to do. But Bonnie just went with the flow, and for that he wanted to do it again. Stefan sped up the paste and started thrusting into her faster almost reaching vampire speed. Bonnie started to scratch his back drawing blood making Stefan thrust faster about to reach his own release. Bonnie's screams, matching Stefan's moans made them both find their release at the same time. Stefan slid out of Bonnie panting as he fell onto his back, "Bonnie-" before he could even say anything, she was asleep.  

Klaus was about to lose his mind because of that witch. All that witch does is make things worse and mess up everything I have planned. Klaus thought, he wasn't thinking clearly, he was just acting on instinct. And because of that he sped to the witches house to kill her. He didn't care about what power she had now, who would save her anyway Stefan, Damon, or Elena? No one really cared about her and he could see it. Even if she was so blind to it, Klaus kind of saw himself in Bonnie, not the loyalty part, or getting used, no, he saw how lonely she was and how sad she was all by herself and he saw himself in her. Even with his siblings, they never really understood what goes on in his head. No one really understood the pain and suffering he had to go through just for being a bastard child, and even before any of them knew. They all knew what happened on the outside, looking at him and seeing that he's fine. But on the inside, he's not, and that's why he sees himself in Bonnie. Because even though she puts up a front with her friends, she doesn't fool him.

Klaus arrived at the witches house about to do anything to get inside. Until he heard what was happening upstairs in her room. Klaus jumped onto the ledge by her window to get a better view. What he saw, it was surprising because he never thought she would actually do anything like that. But what surprised him the most was who she was doing it with. Stefan?  Klaus thought, he knew the witch and the doppelganger relationship, why she was doing it didn't sit right with him. It also bothered him a little that his old friend was touching the witch. Bonnie wasn't his property but the hybrid thought that he would be the one to deflower the witch not Stefan. Watching the witch made him want her even more, and seeing Stefan thrust inside her made him want to mark her as his. He could feel the power radiating off of her even being outside the window. Getting a taste of her and her blood would be amazing and Klaus had to have it. He wanted the witch for himself and him only. Sure he could easily get the blonde vampire. But why waste time on getting a easy prey if its not gonna fight back. Klaus knows the witch will fight back. 

A/N: Hiiiiii :) now I know I promised Klonnie this chapter but I mean we got Stefonnie right :)

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