Chapter 4

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Sorry I haven't updated this one! Having 2 stories in the process can get me messed up, because after writing a chapter for one fic I'll get really attached to that fic and sort of just forget about the other one. So I apologize. Plus I wasn't in the best mood yesterday so I probably would've uploaded if I hadn't been so mad and sad. But! I'm here now, so enjoy (: Sorry it's short. I kinda have writer's block right now because I'm so worn out. xx

****Jessica's POV****

Natalie was beaming from ear to ear. I envied her sometimes for handling life so well. I noticed Zayn couldn't keep his eyes off me though. I felt a little uncomfortable to say the least considering the fact that my best friend was in love with Zayn ever since she heard him singing and there was another problem...I was sort of already in a relationship with Harry. Nobody knew except us though and that's how we wanted it to stay for the time being.

"Alright, I know you guys have questions about it so just ask," Natalie broke out laughing as we all talked quietly. 

"Were you born blind?" Niall asked looking at Natalie and I saw her trying to decided where he was so she could turn his direction. She turned his way and nodded.

"I really wasn't even supposed to live," she whispered and I felt my throat closing and tears threatening to pour down my face. I took a deep breath and I felt a large, strong hand wrap around my own and I looked at Harry who looked concerned. I shook my head as Natalie began talking again.

"I was born really early and I had a lot of birth defects and problems...I wasn't supposed to live more than a week. The doctors wanted to give up, but my mom didn't. She took me to another hospital and they did everything they could. I still wasn't supposed to live past that week, but I was a fighter. I made it out alive, but I was put on tons of medication. Once I started to learn how to crawl, my mom said that's when she knew I was blind because I was always running into things and reaching out in front of me. I can only imagine how hard it was on my family. They'd already almost lost me, and now I was blind?" she spoke and tears were streaming down my face now. Zayn showed me a looked of sympathy and sadness, and it made me angry. He should've been sympathetic towards her not me. Harry squeezed my hand and I took a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry," Liam spoke up and Natalie shrugged pulling at her straight dark brown hair. If you looked at her you'd never know she was blind. Her eyes were bright blue, but they looked normal. When I first met her I had no idea she was blind. 

"What's on the menu?" Natalie asked and I thought Zayn would help her, but instead Liam did. Zayn was too engrossed in me to care about how much my friend was into him. 

"How would you ladies like to come VIP to the concert tonight?" Harry asked giving me a sly wink before turning his attention to Natalie to see her reaction. Her face immediately lit up and she nodded bouncing in her seat. Everyone laughed a bit as she squealed and hugged Liam. 

****Zayn's POV****

I was honored that I was Natalie's favorite, but I wasn't into her. I was so into Jessica and I figured she was probably into me too. I tried to be polite to Natalie, but I kept losing focus on her and focusing on Jessica. 

"Where's Zayn?" Natalie asked bringing me out of my stare and turning toward the girl situated beside me. 

"Right here love," I replied rubbing her arm gently. She smiled a little and nodded.

"Can I have a hug?" she asked and I laughed engulfing the same girl into a hug. 

"That is something I will treasure forever," she replied as I pulled away and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She honestly was very pretty. You would'nt know she was blind unless she told you. She had really pretty eyes and long, flowing dark hair. I didn't have any feelings for her other than a friend or the relationship I share with a fan. I saw Jessica looking at Harry and he was smiling. I felt jealously swim through me. It was something I'd never really felt before. I had to act soon if I wanted to get with Jessica before Harry...and right now I was behind. Jessica was so unique. I didn't like her just because she was a model, she was really nice and fun to be around too.

"So do you model?" I asked nudging Natalie to try and get her involved in this conversation. She laughed shaking her head as she tucked her hair behind my ears.

"Nah, I don't think that's a career I'd be too good at," she blushed and Jessica rolled her eyes laughing as she grabbed her best friends hand.

"How many times have I told you that you'd be the perfect model?" Jessica asked and Natalie's cheeks flushed darker. 

"You really would," Harry chimed in and I saw her smiling widely. I guess it wasn't everyday a member from One Direction went out to lunch with you and told you that you were pretty enough to be a model.

"You should try it out," I spoke and she shook her head.

"It would be hard for me," she whispered playing with her hands and I looked at all the boys.

"We could help," Liam chimed in picking up on what I was getting at. 

"You could help me with a bigger dream," she whispered with a wide grin on her happy face.

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