Chapter 33

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****Natalie’s POV****

Zayn and I just stared at each other while we were lying in his bed. His fingers grazed through my hair and I just held his free hand tightly.

“Go to sleep,” he mouthed, but I shook my head just taking in his features. I let go of his hand and let the pads of my fingers brush along his cheek and jaw line. He closed his eyes and smiled slightly. He took my hand and kissed it before he opened his eyes again. I smiled and he kissed me so very gently. I pulled away and he flicked off the light.

“I love you,” I heard him whispered and I snuggled into him even though it hurt me to move too much.

“You okay?” he asked frantically as he situated me around in his arms. I nodded against him and he kissed my head.

“I love you too,” I replied closing my eyes slowly. He gave me a good squeeze and then we both fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning with terrible pain in my neck and shoulders. It was a more intense pain than just being sore. I moaned quietly and Zayn frowned before he yawned and rolled away from me.

“Zayn,” I mumbled giving him a nudge with my knee. He grumbled as he rolled over and squinted at me.

“What’s going on?” he asked rubbing my arm and I bit my lip trying to sit up.

“I need some painkillers,” I exasperated and he frowned for a brief moment before he jumped up and ran out of the room to grab the painkillers. He came back in with a tall glass of water and two pills. I grabbed them and literally shoved them down my throat wanting the pain to go away.

“Alright, relax,” Zayn whispered rubbing my back gently as I closed my eyes tightly. Zayn’s lips moved against my neck gently as I tried to relax. I thought the pain would die down quickly, but it didn’t.

“Look, I don’t know if I can do the concert!” Zayn hissed into the phone and I cried as I quietly begged him to go while he talked to Liam and the other boys.

“She needs me,” Zayn whispered and I bit my lip not wanting him to do this.

“I’ll watch her Zayn. If anything happens we’ll call,” Jessica spoke loud enough for me to hear and Zayn looked at me.

“I’ll be fine,” I forced a smile and he hesitated before he nodded.

“Alright,” he whispered and I heard breaths of relief and nervous laughter from the phone.

“I’ll be there in a few hours,” Zayn sighed hanging up and looking at me. I took his hand and kissed it and he snuggled up with me once more.

“Are you sure?” he asked and I nodded kissing him gently.

“I’m going to be fine alright? You don’t have to worry about me,” I whispered and he took a deep breath and finally smiled.

****Jessica’s POV****

“I promise to call if anything happens okay?” I told Zayn for the tenth time as I tried to get him out the door so he wouldn’t be late.

“I love you,” Zayn whispered pressing a kiss to Natalie’s lips quickly before he waved and quickly left. I smiled and sat next to Natalie in her bed with Nolan.

“He’s getting so big,” Natalie grinned and I nodded letting my hand brush over the fuzz on his head.

“He’s got his Dad’s hair,” I joked and Natalie laughed softly as she struggled to sit up. I helped her and she let out a breath in relief.

“Thanks,” she breathed as I set Nolan in her arms. She smiled down at him and kissed his forehead. I saw a look in her eyes and I couldn’t help but wonder.

“Do you want to have a baby with Zayn?” I asked and she met my eyes and bit her lip.

“More than anything, but I wanna wait until a few years into our marriage. I don’t know how you can handle it with Harry being gone almost every night. What are you going to do when the tour picks back up?” Natalie asked and I shrugged. I had to admit; I’d never thought about it that much. What was I going to do?

“I guess…I don’t know,” I replied staring at my son. Natalie took my hand gently and smiled.

“You’re going to figure it out and I’m gonna be there every step of the way,” she smiled and I thought about how much everything was going to change in a matter of months. Most fans didn’t know about Harry being a dad yet, and it was just starting to leak that Zayn was engaged. How was it going to change the fans and their music?

“You okay?” Natalie asked and I nodded giving her a reassuring smile. Nolan started to fuss so I took him and gave him a bottle.

“How is Harry handling Nolan?” Natalie asked and I smiled thinking about everything Harry had been doing for Nolan.

“He’s doing great Nat. He’s planned our family days and he always sings him to sleep,” I gushed and Natalie smiled in awe.

“I’m going to make some dinner. Chicken soup alright?” I beamed down at Natalie and she nodded tiredly.

“Can you watch Nolan for me?” I asked and she nodded holding him gently in her arms again. I left the room and went into the kitchen to start the soup. I went back in the room a few minutes later and saw Nolan curled up against Natalie while she slept. I stared in awe. She was going to be a perfect mother. Natalie was basically just sheer perfection; a miracle.

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! I haven't really been feeling too well, and I've been working pretty hard on the concept for Niall's Princess...which btw you guys should check out the preview chapter and let me know what you think of it! So here's an update for you guys! Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving? I did (: and I think I gained at least 15 lbs! 

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