Chapter 7

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Writer's block is awesome....NOT. Ugh. Plus I'm in a really pissy mood so this chapter should be interesting.

****Zayn's POV****

I couldn't focus on the audience all night. I just kept looking at Jessica who was front row jamming out. I sometimes caught Natalie's eyes, and it was weird, but I felt like she could really see me...

"Massive thank you to all of our fans and everyone who came out here tonight to support us," I spoke breathing heavily as I wiped my brow. I waved to the fans and I went to go off stage, but suddenly Harry was butting in. This wasn't part of the show...

"Hey guys, I wanna tell you something," Harry called out and the fans went crazy. I looked over at Louis and he winked at me. It just made me frown more until Harry started talking again.

"I have a girlfriend!" he shouted and I felt my heart leap. YES! This meant I might actually have a chance with Jessica...unless...

"I wanna bring her up here," Harry spoke reaching down and pulling Jessica up on the stage. My heart crashed and my fists clenched. Jessica blushed as his lips fell on hers. I felt my blood literally boiling beneath my skin. 

"Thank you all!" Harry shouted and the lights shut off. I couldnt move from the stage. I felt like if I moved I'd lash out and hurt someone.

"Harry! Stop it," Jessica giggled as they brushed past me. I took a depe breath and I felt someone run into me. It  knocked the wind out of me and I heard someone yelp as they crash down on me. 

"Sorry!" she squealed and I made it out to be Natalie.

"Nat? It's Zayn," I felt myself laugh surprisingly as I helped her up.

"Sorry Zayn," she mumbled as I wrapped an arm tightly around her waist and led her down to the dressing rooms.

"I think Jessica forgot I was in the audience with her," Natalie chuckled as we reached my dressing room. I was actually kinda glad I had Natalie to hang out with. I felt like I could trust her for some reason. I set her down on the couch while I changed.

"You guys did great tonight," Natalie yawned, but she was smiling too. I couldn't help but smile back at her even though she couldn't see my smile.

"You wanna hang out?" I blurted and her face turned of one of surprise, but she nodded immediately.

"Yeah," she replied and I smiled lifting her up and putting her on my back. She laughed as I took her down the halls in my hoodie and jeans. 

"Where are we going?" she asked excitedly as I made my way out of the back door and to my car. I helped her in and she bounced in her seat. She made me laugh and feel comfortable. I still didn't feel like I liked her, I liked her as a friend for sure though. 

"Wanna come to my flat?" I asked feeling like just chilling around my flat for the night. 

"I'd love to," she replied as I took off in the street. She giggled causing me to laugh as well. I poked her side and she yelped smacking my hand.

"What's so funny?" I asked and she shrugged leaning her head against the window.

"What does your car look like?" she asked and I took a deep breath.

"It's a white sports car," I replied not really knowing how to describe it to her. She smiled as we arrived at my flat. 

"We here?" she asked and I nodded, but forgot she couldn't see.

"Yes," I replied getting out and helping her out of the car and taking her inside. I was sort of glad she couldn't see my flat. It wasn't exactly a mess, but it definitely wasn't clean. I took her hand and set her on my couch. 

"Hungry?" I asked flipping on some music and she shrugged feeling around the couch. 

"I'll bring out some chips?" I questioned and she smiled with a small nod.

****Natalie's POV****

It was weird to be sitting in Zayn's apartment and not with Jessica. He hadn't seemed interested in me, but now things seemed different for some reason. I felt him sit next to me and he set a bag down next to me.

"Just original chips, the dip is right in front of you on the table," Zayn spoke and I tried some. It was good. Better than Jessica's anyways.

"Do you ever wish that things were different?" Zayn asked and I frowned. He sighed and then I knew what he meant.

"Sometimes, but I'm just happy to even be alive. Sure I can't see anything, but that doesn't mean I can't imagine or keeping living out my dreams," I replied plopping a chip into my mouth. 

"I wish that I could live life like you," Zayn said softly and I laughed leaning back in the couch.

"I mean, I wish people could! So many other worse things could happen to people, but they complain about how they can't own a pair of shoes or something," I started to rant and I felt myself getting hot.

"You're right. I'm not going to live depressed anymore and I'm sure as hell not going to complain because worse things could've happened," he spoke and I smiled hoping Zayn was really serious about that.

"I should probably head home," I spoke eating one more chip, but as I went to stand up Zayn's hand wrapped around mine.

"You can stay the night here. I'll drive you over to Harry's tomorrow," Zayn whispered and I couldn't stop smiling. I nodded and sat down only to feel Zayn gather me into his arms. It felt...amazing. 

"I'll show you to the guest room," Zayn whispered a while later and he took me into a room and showed me the bed. 

"Just call me if you need anything," he whispered kissing my cheek quickly before he left the room. I laid down in the bed and took a deep breath. I hated sleeping alone. I always felt safer when someone slept with me. I almost always slept with Jessica. She was always at my house, and when she wasn't I slept on the couch downstairs.

"Zayn," I called and a few minutes later I heard someone come in the room.

"You alright?" Zayn asked and I shook my head.

"Will you sleep in here? I feel safer if I sleep with someone," I spoke embarrassed and I felt Zayn climb in the bed. 

"Thanks," I whispered. 

"No problem," Zayn replied and I felt him running his fingers through my hair. It was weird. Was he into me or not? A few seconds later I felt someone moving closer to me and then Zayn's lips pressed to mine.

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