Chapter 14

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I have 21 chapters of this done O.o omg. Soooo. I totally forgot about Stranded With 5 Boys, but I have one chapter left to upload until I have to start writing more chapters again. Ughhh. I'll update that in 3 hours kay? love you all (: xx

****Zayn’s POV****

Natalie seemed better once we left the venue. She was singing along in the car and dancing some what. I would glance over every now and then while she belt it out.

“Natalie, you should be the sixth member of our band,” Harry called back to us as he drove us to his flat. She grinned widely and nodded.

“I’d love to,” she laughed and I reached over pulling her into my arms. I bent down and kissed her and I felt her hands on my eyes.

“Hey! Where’s your blindfold?” she pouted and I had totally forgotten about taking it off at the venue. I reached in my pocket and tied it around my head again.

“Sorry babe, I took it off when I went over to see you,” I replied and she nodded hugging me tightly again.

“There! All blind again,” I grinned feeling around and kissed her.

“I love you,” she whispered in my ear and I can't tell you what I felt inside when she told me that. I pulled her lips back to mine and she smiled against my lips.

“Okay you two cut it out,” Jessica whined and I smiled pulling away from Natalie and Harry helped me out of the car. Natalie’s other hand stayed wrapped around mine as we got inside Harry’s.

“Sorry it’s sucha…oh-,” Harry started and I felt Natalie’s grip tighten around my hand.

“That’s one plus to being blind, I’ll never know if your house is a mess!” Natalie joked and I felt myself relax a bit as we made our way into his kitchen I imagined. Jessica helped Natalie and I into our seats and I could smell a lovely meal right in front of me.

“I’m glad we’re all okay again,” Jessica breathed as I grabbed my fork. Natalie made this all seem so easy. I don’t think I could ever live being blind. I couldn’t even find the food on my plate, let alone my mouth. I had so many questions I wanted to ask Natalie, but I decided to wait until later.

“So what have you two been doing?” Harry asked and I shrugged taking a deep breath.

“We’ve just been hanging out a lot. We’re going to the doctors tomorrow to see if any surgery can be done for her eyes,” I spoke and I heard someone drop some silverware.

“What’s wrong?” I asked and I felt Natalie hold my hand tightly.

“Natalie…the doctor said that the procedure was life threatening,” Jessica choked out and I felt my throat closing up.

“What?” I asked turning to the direction I thought Natalie was in and I heard her sigh.

“It’s worth it to be with you,” she murmured and I shook my head frantically.

“I’m not going to lose you Nat; I’m not letting you do this. I couldn’t live knowing you died because you got a procedure just to be able to see me,” I spoke quickly and I heard her crying softly.

“But I want it!” she shouted and I felt like my heart was in a tug-o-war. One side said to give in and give her what she wanted, while the other side said there was no way I was letting her get the procedure.

“We’ll go to the doctor’s tomorrow and discuss it,” I replied squeezing her hand and I heard Jessica sigh relieved.

“Alright…let’s change the topic,” Harry said quickly and I took a deep breath in agreement.

“I guess it’s time I told everyone. I have to go back to classes next week,” Natalie burst out and I felt my heart sink. No. She couldn’t leave me. Not after everything had been going so good…

“It’s only for a couple weeks,” she spoke knowing how I was taking this.

“You need someone to go with you though…to be your aid,” I said hoping that I’d be able to go with her.

“Zayn, you’re in a band. You have concerts almost every night. Jess is coming back with me,” she replied and I heard Harry getting worked up now.

“What?” he whined and Jess sighed.

“Like Nat said, it’s a little over three weeks,” Jessica replied and I felt my heart shredding in my chest, but I decided to stay strong. It wasn’t like she was leaving me forever!

“Fine,” Harry grumbled and I sighed in agreement.

“I’m sorry guys, I’m sure this is not the dinner any of us were expecting,” Jessica apologized.

“It’s fine. It’s better that we got everything out,” I replied standing up and pulling off the blindfold. I had too many emotions to keep that blindfold on. I glanced at Natalie and almost forgot how gorgeous she was. I wrapped an arm around her waist and she smiled. I followed Harry out to his car and he drove us home.

“See you tomorrow at the concert,” I called before he drove off. I carried Natalie inside and I moaned dragging her into my room. I dropped her on my bed and groaned softly.

“I don’t want you to go,” I whimpered and she sighed hugging close to me.

“It’s not forever babe,” she replied kissing my neck and I closed my eyes trying the best to fight my urges.

“I know, but…,” I started pulling her lips to mine. She held onto my lips and her hands slid down my chest. I reached for her shirt, but she stopped me.

“No,” she replied breathlessly and I let my head fall onto her shoulder pressing gentle kisses on it.

“Why?” I whispered as her breathing slowed.

“I’ve…uh-“ she started, but I stopped her knowing what she meant. I held her tight to my chest and kissed her head.

“Another time then,” I replied and she stayed still.

****Natalie’s POV****

I felt stupid lying there in his arms, but I felt better knowing he understood. I took his hands tightly and he squeezed them.

“I’m going to miss you,” I whispered softly and he rubbed my back gently.

“I don’t think you understand how lost and miserable I’ll be without you,” he replied and I felt my cheeks heating up.

“You’ll Skype me…right?” I asked and I felt his chest moving from a chuckle.

“Of course love,” he replied and I smiled against him.

“I love you, goodnight,” I yawned as I snuggled into his big, strong arms and smiled. He took a deep breath and wrapped the blankets tightly around us.

“I love you too Nat, night,” he whispered right before I fell into a deep slumber.

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