Chapter III

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   Annie: I don't wanna write this essay. Save me.
   Asher: 😂😂
   Annie: don't laugh! I'm in pain!
   Asher: physical or emotional?
   Asher: 😝
   Annie: come on! this is serious!
   Asher: seriously, physical or emotional?
   Annie: both!
   Asher: 😂
   Annie: help me!
   Asher: okay. what's it about?
   Annie: no! I don't want you to help me write it!
   Asher: then what do you want me to do?
   Annie: distract me!
   Asher: I feel like that's a bad idea
   Annie: I never have bad ideas
   Asher: 😂
   Asher: do you wanna FaceTime?
   Annie: yes! But I'm on set right now, and I'm supposed to be quiet.
   Asher: okay tell me your favorite animal.
   Annie: easy, a dog
   Asher: that's original
   Annie: 😝
   Asher: mine's a whale
   Annie: what kind?
   Asher: all of them except the killer ones
   Annie: love that
   Annie: what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?
   Asher: I was singing at a concert, and my voice cracked on stage for everyone to hear. I went beet red.
   Annie: 😆
   Asher: what's yours?
   Annie: next question
   Asher: no fair! I told you! You HAVE to tell me!
   Annie: okay okay! 😝 I fell of the balance beam at a huge meet and dismally failed.
   Asher: I didn't know you're a gymnast also that's really funny
   Annie: your rude. and yes, I was. I quit a year ago, my LA schedule got too crazy to keep up my training.
   Asher: do you miss it?
   Annie: no, but I can still do a lot of the skills
   Asher: you'll have to show me sometime
   Annie: definitely
   Asher: I've gotta go to a fitting, but I'll message you later
   Annie: okay bye💛
   Asher: bye

   Asher: if you were stuck on a desert island and could only take one item with you, what would bring?
   Annie: a boat filled with gas so I could get off the island to go back to civilization
   Asher: you're too smart for me
   Annie: 😋
   Annie: what would you bring? and you can't pick what I said
   Asher: I'd bring you because you'd figure out some way to survive, otherwise I'd probably die.
   Annie: 😂 how do you know we'd get along, we haven't even met
   Asher: I just have this gut feeling, and my gut is always right
   Annie: kinda like how I never have bad ideas.
   Asher: exactly

   Asher: who's your best friend?
   Annie: Riley Lewis, Anna Cathcart, Lilia Buckingham, and Will Miller.
   Asher: I said friend Annie. as in singular or one.
   Annie: 🙃 I can't choose
   Annie: who's your best friend?
   Asher: Peyton Lee, Joshua Rush, Isaac Skinner, and Jack Grazer
   Annie: hypocrite!
   Asher: 😂 i know
   Annie: I wanna meet Jack, he seem like lots of fun!
Asher: He's so amazing, and he's one of my favorite people!

Incoming call from Emily Skinner

   "Hello, this is Asher." I said.
   "Hi Ash, it's Emily." She replied. "I sent you a picture of my prom dress so you can make your bow tie match."
   "Em, I'm pretty sure I've found a date." I smiled thinking about Annie.
   "Yeah, me." She said sounding annoyed.
   "No, you said I only had to go with you if I didn't already have a date, which I'm going to ask this girl." I said patiently.
   "Well who is it?" She said through gritted teeth.
   "Um, I don't think I can tell you, I fear for her safety." I said trying not to laugh at how angry she was.
   "Asher, I'm not going to do anything to her."
   "I'm not going to risk anything. I've gotta go Em," I said.
   "Asher. Tell. Me. Who. It. Is." She said in a quiet, irate voice.
   "Em, I seriously have to go to this meeting now. Bye." I hung up. I felt bad for cutting her off, but I had to get ready to meet Annie.

   I'd spent an extra ten minutes trying to get my hair to look right. The frustrating thing was I couldn't get it to look different than any other day! And to day was special.
   "Honey! We need to leave in five minutes!" My mom called.
   "Okay!" I called back. I stared into the mirror. My hair looked fine I guess, but it wasn't anything new. I sighed in defeat and left. I went to my room and put my shoes on. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs. I flopped onto the couch and tapped my foot anxiously. This was going to be the longest five minutes of my life!
"Wow Asher! I didn't know you could be ready on time!" My mom said starring at me in disbelief. "I thought you always ran late."
I shrugged not really knowing what to say.
"Maybe we should have Annie be at all of your meetings, that way you'll get ready on time."
I ignored her comment, I didn't want my happiness killed by my mom's sarcasm.
"Do you want to leave now? Cause I'm ready to go anytime." She ask.
"Yes!" I said. It came out way too forcefully.
"Goodness!" She said smiling, "Let me get my purse." She ran to the kitchen. I went and got into the car. I grabbed my phone and pulled up Instagram. Annie just posted a picture.

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