Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

Breaking the surface of the ocean Rina and I removed our scuba masks, smiling at each other as we started swimming towards our boats boarding ladder, as the guys surfaced behind us. Waiting for Rina to climb up the ladder I glanced back at the ocean then turned back and climbed onto the boat.

"That was such an amazing dive! I still can't believe how magical it is every time we go down! There's always something new that we always encounter. It's a whole universe on its own." Rina shouted in excitement as she takes off her scuba gear.

"I know right? It was amazing! Like that school of clown fish hiding among the sea anemone, and that bloom of jellyfish! Remember the dolphins from this morning?" I said back. I wonder what she would say if she found out just how much of a different universe it is, it's its own circle of life. Constantly shifting and moving to accommodate life, I thought as I placed my scuba gear on the rack of our boat and took out my ponytail to let it hang free. I never quite liked putting my hair up but for diving, I will.

"They were beautiful, it's always such an extraordinary thing to be able to swim with them." Rina replied with a huge grin on her face as I nodded my head in agreement.
"Makes you feel good doesn't it?" I asked smiling.

I would love to show her just how extraordinary it really is, to be able to show her their world, to have her hear the sea come to life. Nothing is as beautiful as being able to hear the animals sing and be able to understand their dance. Every animal dances to its own rhythm and once you hear and physically see them there is no going back.

"Oh yes. You can just feel the camaraderie and see how they interact." She said her eyes shining with happiness.

"It's truly magnificent." I remarked looking out at the ocean, waving to the dolphins as they danced through the air back into the water clicking and whistling away.

"I still think you two are far too curious for your own good," Malcom commented as he shook his head and slide out of his wetsuit.

"Agreed. That was totally nuts!" Nolan agreed but you could see the love in his eyes.

"Who cares? We became scuba divers to explore the ocean, see its natural beauty and try to get closer to new things. I get it can be scary but this is what we trained hours upon hours for." I scolded them playfully as I put my hands on my hips.

"Exactly!" Rina sang as she walked passed them and joined me as we walked further onto the boat. "Just think I was scared to get back in the water. Now look at me. I'm doing dives I never thought I would do and it feels amazing. There is such beauty. Sadly, none of us could ever be able to study such beauty closer. Sometimes, I wish I was a dolphin. They're so free and they see so much beauty in the ocean." Her eyes were shining with longing and happiness.

Glancing at each other I felt Nolan's pain.
They ocean called to us, with the Dive Center, we could come and go as we please. But she would never be able to fully follow us on our journey if we decided to leave land. I could feel his pain as he wished he could give her what she desires most. What was just beyond her reach but wasn't meant to be. I felt my heart start to ache. Reaching up I pressed my hand to my chest then brought it down.

"Hey, Mikey! We're ready to head to the mainland." I called out to our boat driver, turning around I walked to our cooler grabbing four bottles of water and sitting on the boat cushions on the front of the boat.

"How was the dive, ladies?" Mike asked as he started the boat up and began driving towards the mainland.

"Oh, Mike it was magical as always. You should come down with us one day." Rina exclaimed in excitement as Mike laughed.

The Heart Of The Ocean: Book 1: Galadraihl's Heart QuestWhere stories live. Discover now