06. Wanting to be a runner

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The next morning I woke up to the sun forcing its way through the door of my room. I looked up and Newt was standing there. I huffed in anger.

"Have you not learned how to knock either?" I hissed and turned away.

"I knocked, but you didn't answer." He replied quietly.

"Then it means, you are not coming in." I stated while still sulking.

"I just wanted to apologise." He said and sat down on the chest of drawers next to my mattress. "I'm sorry for telling Minho, but I really just wanted to help. It didn't even cross my mind that you would get angry about it." He explained. "I feel genuinely sorry, Y/N." I turned around and saw him looking down on the ground while playing with his hands.

"Ugh, fine." I said and got out of bed. "It's not like I can stay mad forever." I said and started searching for cloths in my bag.

"So you accept my apology, right?" He asked with a big smile across his face. I nodded and continued to get some cloths out.

"Now get out, I want to change." I said and he started blushing slightly. "Out! Now!" I said with a grin.

He took me to the Builders where I met Gally again. My first encounter with him wasn't a good one therefore I was quite skeptical about staying with the Builders, but Newt reassured me that everything would be just fine.

It didn't take long before Gally started nagging me and rushing me to cut the wood faster or to bind them together stronger. He had something to say about everything I did. I kept fidgeting at the table I was sitting at and started getting worked up about every little thing he said. As I was about to say something I would have regretted later on, one of his workers dropped a bunch of wood on my hand. I screamed in pain and tried to pull my arm out. For the second time successfully. It was pulsing and I had very limited movements in my wrist. Gally came up to me and hissed seeing my swollen wrist.

"Go to the Med-jacks." He said simply and walked up to the boy who was at fault to take him for a lecture.

I walked up to the Med-hut and knocked on the door. I heard a quiet 'come in' and met a tall dark skinned boy who looked to be younger than me. "Hey Y/N, what's up?" He asked and looked at my wrist I was holding onto. "Let me check on that." He said and took some bandages off of the shelves. "Clint, can you bring a splint?" He asked the other guy while he took a seat in one of the chairs and waved me over to the mattress to sit down. "What happened?" He asked.

"I was with the builders today and one of them dropped a bunch of wooden logs on my arm." I explained. I hissed in pain as he started moving my wrist around.

"To be honest, most of our patients are Slicers, but we get enough of the Builders and the Runners too, so I'm not surprised about anything." He started. "Broken bones, dislocations, pulled muscles, cuts and a bunch of other injuries are a daily occurrence here." As I was listening to him I didn't even realise he finished bandaging my wrist. And he didn't even need to use a splint.

I stayed at the Med-hut for the rest of the day and listened to stories about all the injuries. I saw a Slicer being treated for some cuts he had received at work and I helped the boys organise the medications on the shelves. I saw a small vial at the top shelf with a title written on it 'Serum'. I stood on my tip toes and took it off of the shelf.

"What is this?" I asked showing the vial to Jeff.

"It's the antidote for the Griever's stung." He explained. "We only have limited amount so we have to be very careful with it." He took the liquid out of my hand and placed it back on its place.

As we left the Med-hut for the day the campfire was already burning vigorously. They were playing some kind of a tune on kitchen utensils, metal and wooden boxes. Some of them were joking around, while others were just filling up their stomach. Gally was having a fight in some kind of a circle that everyone was cheering for. I sat down on a wooden log next to the fire and looked at the people enjoying themselves without a worry. I turned my gaze towards the other side of the fire where I saw the Runners sitting together. My eyes fell on Minho as he was having a conversation with one his Runners. To be honest he was a quite handsome man. He had a well built body, but not over the top. He had dark brown, almost black eyes that turned into a smile-like feature when he laughed. He had very white teeth and dimples on each side of his face. His hands were big and manly, the kind you would quite happily hold in yours. I shook my head at my thoughts and let my eyes wonder around. Then I realised this is the best time to talk to Minho. I stood up, walked past the camp fire and sat down next to him. He looked at me confused.

"What are you doing?" He asked frowning.

"I sat down." I said simply.

"I saw that, but I didn't say you could." He hissed.

"And I very clearly didn't ask

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"And I very clearly didn't ask." I said simply and heard a few chuckles from his Runners. He turned towards them and with a deathly glare quickly shut them up.

"What do you want?" He asked and took another sip of the weird looking drink he was holding in his hands.

"I want to be a runner." I stated and looked straight into his eyes. At first he looked confused, but soon enough he started off into a loud laughter. "Was something funny?" I asked.

"Yes, shuck-face. You!" He stated and continued laughing.

"I wasn't joking." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Do you actually expect me to consider you to be a runner?" He asked as his expression changed back into a serious one. I nodded. I saw him thinking and he bursted into laughter once more. "Joke of the year!" He held his stomach from the pain, laughing caused him.

"You do realise I will not leave you alone until you give in, right?" I asked in a completely calm tone. He looked at me for a second and shook his head.

"I will not change my mind about it." He said and took a sip of his drink before continuing. "A girl has nothing to do behind those walls."

"We will see about that." I replied with a grin slowly appearing on my face. I stood up and walked back to the log I was sitting on. Newt took his place next to me too and we got lost in our conversation.

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