33. Sacrifice

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"Guard!" I shouted to the man standing outside in completely black cloths. "I want to talk to the doctors." I heard him talking over his radio, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. I didn't have to wait for long, before he unlocked my door, grabbed my arm and started leading me towards the lab. The corridor walls were white, with a blue horizontal line crossing on the middle. The ceiling had bright long lights laying across it, making the white paint turn into a bluish colour. People were walking around in lab coats with plastic boards and test papers in their hands almost bumping into each other as they were deeply lost in their thoughts. 

As we were walking further I was looking through the windows of each of the rooms. They kept all the children separately to test their newest theories of... of... "I couldn't remember". The kids I saw in the rooms were not even human anymore. They were skinny, weak and barely alive. I remembered how I was just like them 591 days ago. Yes, I was counting the days indeed. I wanted to be with Minho and the fact that I couldn't, made me desperate. I promised him to stay alive and get stronger. And so I did. That's why it was so hard to look at the kids suffering. They had no determination, no goal to survive anymore. But I have had. 

"Good morning." One of the doctors greeted me as we stepped inside the lab, but he didn't even look up from his paperwork. "How can I help you, Y/N?" He was short and chubby with a moustache and beard. A thick brown framed glass was sitting across his cheeks. He was going bold, but he was trying to hide it with a very obvious toupee which didn't even match his own hair colour.

"I want to go to the Maze. I want to do the trial." I stated simply. He looked up at me with raised eyebrows and a curious look in his eyes.

"And may I ask why is that?" He asked adjusting his glasses on his crooked nose. 

"Because I want to." I replied mysteriously. 

"And would you explain to me why you made this decision?" He asked elbowing on his notes.

"You let Minho go instead of me. Now let me go too." My voice never sounded so powerful before.

"Yes, indeed but that was an exception. After such recovery which you have showed us, why would we want to send you for the trials? Keeping you here is beneficial for our tests." He explained. "Give me one good reason to let you go into the Maze. And don't even try to use Minho as an excuse. You know very well that your memories are going to be wiped out. You will not remember him and he already forgot about you. You will be a nobody to him." He smirked at his brilliance. 

"Yes, I will be a nobody. But I rather suffer through years of not knowing who I am, then to stay here. And you know very well, that I will sabotage your tests, just as I have been doing it in the past couple of weeks. I was only beginning to show my true colour. You've seen nothing so far. You can keep me here while I will be demonstrating how someone desperate can destroy years of work, or you can let me go and test me as you wish there." The look on his face was of serious thoughts. He was well aware of my test results in the last couple of days. I have made sure to get useless readings each time, this way they had no use of me. 

"You know, with the chip we will be able to control your mind, right?" He asked trying to threaten me. 

"I don't care." I shook my head. 

"Fine. Let it be. You will be sent up soon." He nodded and turned back to his paperwork. The guard grabbed my arm again and started pulling me back to my room. I wanted to feel happy, I wanted to feel the victory, but somehow I just couldn't. I was relieved that I could see Minho again, even if we wouldn't recognise each other. But I was scared about what the future was holding for us.

When I woke up, I realised the sun was still up. Or was it up again? My head was throbbing and I felt hot. I was once again worked up about a new dream and I was getting tired of them. I felt like never wanting to sleep again. I couldn't understand why I was getting all these imaginations. I couldn't believe that it could have been reality. I was just trying to push them to the back of my mind.

As I dressed up and walked out of my room, I saw some familiar faces lazing around. Their change of clothes made me realise that I indeed slept through the day. I didn't even have to question it when my stomach loudly growled at me. I felt like I was doing nothing but eating and sleeping lately and I didn't fancy such a lazy, useless life-style. I walked to the Kitchen and grabbed some food to satisfy the beast, in other words my stomach. 

As I finished my food, I walked out of the kitchen and fixated my eyes on a very handsome view. The sun was strong and bright and I just couldn't take my eyes off of how the drops of sweat were reflecting the sun's powerful light as they were rolling down his toned half-naked body. He was exercising to keep himself in shape, but he was also doing so, to get rid of his unneeded energy. As he turned around still sternly continuing his exercise, I saw something. Something that I was hoping my mind created only. Something that I was wishing not to be true. 

I started walking up to Minho, almost in a daze. I completely lost control of my body. My mind was leading me as if it wanted to get a confirmation. Minho stopped his exercising as I was getting closer to him. I saw the confusion on his face when I stopped in front of him with a blank expression.

"When did you get this?" I asked him while pulling my finger across the scar on his shoulder. He looked down to understand what I was talking about.

 He looked down to understand what I was talking about

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"Oh, that. I am not really sure." He replied. "I already had it when I arrived." My eyes widened and the only thing I could think of was the dream I had about Minho getting shot. It looked just like a scar left after a gunshot. 

"No." I whispered. I looked back up at him to see an utterly confused expression in his eyes. I didn't have the energy to explain or to understand completely. I just wanted to forget all the dreams I had. I was afraid to remember or to know more. I knew if such a key part of my dreams were to be true, than all of them had to be. It scared me too much. I shook my head and whispering 'headache' I walked back to my room and laid across my bed. I just needed some rest. Yes, that will solve all this mess. I needed some dreamless sleep. 

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