34. Reality pt.1

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I woke up to someone gently knocking on my door. It wasn't loud, but was loud enough to get on my nervous. I growled in annoyance, but spoke up.

"Who's that?" I asked without a hint of curiosity. 

"It's me. Minho." My eyes opened up in nanoseconds. I didn't feel like talking to him. I didn't know what I was supposed to say to him. "Can I come in?" He tried again, but I was so confused about what I wanted. "Please." I shook my head and made my decision.

"Come in." I sat up slowly on my bed while he entered my room and sat down at the end of my mattress. 

"I was worried about you." He sighed while playing with his fingers. "You seemed off yesterday." He said.

"What do you mean yesterday?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"When you walked up to me while exercising." He explained.

"I really need to get myself checked. I keep sleeping and eating only." I frowned.

"It's normal, you suffered a head injury

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"It's normal, you suffered a head injury." He smiled gently still looking down on his hands. "I wanted to know what that was about. You acted weird. As if you knew something I didn't." He looked up at me. Straight into my eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Minho. I really don't want to talk about it now." I sighed tiredly. 

"Please. You seem to know more than any of us. And I know you know more about me. I need to know." He was almost begging me and it made it so hard to resist. But I wasn't even sure what was reality and what was part of my hallucinations. 

"I can't. I don't know, Minho. It's too much for me now." I tried to make him go away, but for some reason I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

"I need to know if you remember anything about me." He said firmly.

"But I don't even know if they are true or not. It's just all so confusing." I wanted him to understand my side, but he didn't seem to. He moved closer and cupped my face in his big hands. It reminded me of the dream I had earlier. 

"Stop!" I pushed his hand away and jumped up from my bed. "What do you want to hear? I know nothing about you. I only know what I have been dreaming about and I don't even know if half of it is true." I raised my voice in frustration. "I am not going to go and tell you all about it, when even I don't know what is reality and what's not." I tried to explain to him, but I wasn't successful. 

"I don't care if even just 0.1% of what you know is the truth. That's still more than my knowledge. At least you got something. I am working with a completely blank mind here." He stood up and started walking up and down trying to collect himself. "Just give me something. You know about my wound. How did I get it?" I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I didn't know if I should be answering to his questions. I let out a deep sigh and just gave in.

"You got shot." His eyes widened in disbelief. 

"What?" He frowned. "Why?" I was thinking very hard. I wasn't sure if honesty was the best option, but I couldn't have lied about it.

"You were trying to get us out of the laboratory." I explained.

"Us? Laboratory?" He sat down on the side of my bed once again.

"They were keeping us in a laboratory and they were doing tests on us. We wanted to escape and so we ran, but you got shot and I got caught." I explained while keeping a deep sigh down in my chest which was ready to escape.

"They shot me because we were trying to escape?" He asked looking down on the floor.

"Yes." I replied.

"And I knew you before?" I felt the heaviness come back into my chest. I was scared to talk about it. He was to forget about his feelings and now I was bringing all this up. I felt so stupid. 

"Yes." I nodded.

"What happened after?" He frowned.

"They healed you and they did tests on us." I said briefly, but he didn't seem to believe me so easily. 

"Is that it?" He knew I was leaving some parts out. But I was trying my best to stay close to the simple facts rather than going into details. 

"Yes." He shook his head in reply.

"I don't believe you." He sighed. "I want you to be honest with me. They wouldn't have just saved me unless I was someone special, which is hard to believe, so please, tell me what happened." His tone became more gentle. 

"When you got shot, I was really scared. There was only one way to save you." I was playing with my fingers nervously.  "Which was to go under their experiments. And they accepted my conditions." I looked up into his eyes but I immediately realised how bad of a decision that was. 

"You became their fucking lab-rat, just to save my life?" He asked while standing up. He seemed more worked up about it than I expected "And after, I just let them do to you shit knows what?"

"Not exactly." I shook my head. He stopped a couple of inches away from me. "They did all the same experiments on you too. And you saved my life later. So we are even." I smiled sourly. "You see, it's all good." I started walking out of the room as fast as I could. I needed some fresh air, otherwise I felt like I was about to faint. 

I barely arrived to the middle of the glade trying to get something to eat, when my wrist became imprisoned. I turned around and I saw a very angry and confused Minho standing behind me. 

"You can't just leave me there like that." He shook his head while frowning. "I need to know everything, please." He almost begged me and it made me feel so weak. 

"What do you want me to say?" I turned to face him completely. "I told you everything." I said trying to avoid the subject.

"No, you didn't. I know you didn't. I feel it." He stepped closer. "Why would you save me. Why did I save you. What did I have to save you from. How did I know you?" He bombarded me with questions. 

"Does it really matter. We saved each other and that's that. We are good." I kept pushing his questions away.

"No, we are not good. I know there's something else. Something that you don't want to tell me." He kept going on. "I feel it."

"It doesn't matter anymore. Can't you just understand that I don't want to talk about it?" I shouted. "Even if there are things I am not telling you, it's not necessary for you to know them. They don't matter anymore. Why are you trying to..." I tried to continue but he pulled me closer and kissed me. I tried to push him away numerous times but I couldn't. He was stronger and I felt weak in his arms. I was longing for his lips for so long and I couldn't physically resist him anymore. It felt good to be embraced by him. 

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