15| You Dirty-Minded Kid!

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again, got inspired of a crush x reader book. this is humorous, a bit. raise your hand if you're dirty-minded as fuck (me: ✋🏻).

(P.S: Camila is the most dirty-minded one, not an innocent smol bean. 😂)

"Can we go to the swing, pretty please?" Camila begged to her Canadian boyfriend for the hundredth time, putting out her irresistible puppy face.

Shawn tried to resist her face and regained his position, "Nope, it's late, we have to go back before our friends kick off our asses."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" She persuaded, putting out her best puppy face she can do.

Shawn had enough and sighed, "Fine, but we have to go home before eleven."

"Yey!" She cheered and ran towards the swing, leaving Shawn who was chuckling at her attitude.

As he was an inches away from her, she motioned him, pointing at her back. Shawn smiled and started to push her back, making her to sway back and forth.

"You want it fast?" Shawn asked, grinning. But Camila thought the other way.


"Why no- oh..." He realised, blushing. He husked in her ear, "Well I can do that back to our house.."



The next morning, Camila woke up by the Ariana and Hailee, who hit her with their own pillows.

"Wake up you dreamy banana! We got some asses to kick." Hailee exclaimed, continued to hit her.

"Let me sleep please!" Camila covered her face with a pillow, probably from Dinah's.

"C'mon, we all know Hailee wants to cuddle Niall all day long." Ariana teases as the tall figure rolled her eyes at her.

"Fuck you, Ariana."

But again, Camila thought it in a wrong way.

"EWW, HAILEE! You want to fuck Ariana? Get a room!" Camila exclaimed, her disgusted face on her features.

"What the hell Camz?!" Hailee answered back.

"Ugh, why are you so green-minded, Mila?" Ariana groaned as Camila smirked at her and replied,

"My specialty, Grande."


"WE WON, BITCHES!" Camila exclaimed, cheering as the boys on the other side of the pool splash the girls.

"Dang, Charlie wasn't that strong enough for Camzie." Ally butted in.


Camila laughed at the pair, putting herself down from Taylor's shoulders where she sat seconds ago.

"Baby C's legs are killing my shoulders, that really hurts." Taylor rubbed her shoulder to massage the pain.

Shawn approached Camila and asked her, "You've been sitting on Swift's shoulders, so why not ride me?"

That made Camila's specialty came and show up.

"Gross Mendes, not on public." She stuck out a tongue and ran away.


Imagines of Shawmila [COMPLETED, REEDITING] Where stories live. Discover now