16| Baby Camila...?

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Shawn and Khalid are now in their laboratory, experimenting something to make homemade coffee.

"Hey Shawn, how about we mix this substance?" Khalid suggested, holding a test tube that is filled with some green liquid.

Shawn looked up, seeing his fellow scientist holding a substance and his eyes widen. "Khalid, don't mix—"

But boy, he was too late. Khalid already poured all of it. Then, their experiment exploded. They shooed away the smoke and see the product they made. Shawn grabbed Thunder, Camila's dog, and place the dog on the table. Khalid poured a drop of it onto the creature, feating if something wrong will happen.


In a blink of an eye, Thunder became a puppy again. The duo's eyes were wide. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit."

Shawn immediately grabbed his girlfriend's puppy outside the lawn, afraid if he would be listening to her lecture if she finds out about it.

Khalid poured the dark brown substance in a cup and wash all the materials they used, they have to go back from the start, again.

Shawn got back in the lab, disappointment laced in his features. "I guess we have to go to Walmart and get snacks."

"Sure, let's go." Khalid answered, removing his robe off him and grabbed his phone and wallet, catching up to the tall Canadian who already got out.


Camila woke up from a well-deserved nap and went down to the lab to see if her boyfriend was there in the room.

"Shawn?" She called out and walked in the room to see no one in the lab. She was about to leave the room when she smells the aroma of the liquid.

"Ooh, coffee! I wonder if they made one for me and left me," she muttered, grabbing the cup. She sniffed the 'coffee' and quickly drank the substance, not knowing the result.

"Ooh, this coffee is— WOAH!"


Ariana, Camila's cousin, barged in the house and excitingly called, "Camzie, where are you at?"

No signs of her was seen or heard.

She called out, "Camila?"

Nope. Just a silence.

Then, she heard something somewhat a glassware that was smashed in Shawn's laboratory. Ariana ran to the room and her eyes were wide open.

A 2-year-old Camila is on a high stool, standing as she was attempting to step on the table, a cup was smashed into pieces. Ariana grabbed her immediately and cradle the baby in her arms.

"Camila, what the hell just happened?" Ariana said, scanning the whole lab.

"Bwabwa," Camila answered, adding some baby words there and there, making Ariana sigh and decided to take care of the now baby Camila.

"Cami, do you like coff— wait, that's not allowed. Okay, do you like milk?" Ariana suggested, holding a glass of fresh cow's milk.

Camila nodded and went to grab the glass when her cousin told her, "I'm holding the glass. Don't wanna make your boyfriend mad at us."

Camila's lips pouted and she began to cry, hard. Ariana was scared and went to rock the baby to calm her down. Luckily, she did calm down and kicked her legs.

"Okay, okay, you will hold the glass whatever." Ariana lets the baby hold the glass, which was already half empty. Ariana grabbed her Starbucks in the other hand but Camila has to grab it, making the glass to fall down.

"Cami, I told you not to hold the glass, jeez." Ariana mentally facepalm, raising her hand up to avoid the baby from getting the coffee.

Then, she heard the front door open, a sign that Shawn is home. She puts Camila on the dining table and went to pick up the glass shards, trying not to cut herself. After she succeeded in picking up the glass and threw it away, she saw the Canadian, his eyes wide open at the surprise.

"Oh, shit. Look what we have done Khalid." Shawn cursed, dropping his bag of chips.

"Language Mendes! There is a kid in the room!"

Imagines of Shawmila [COMPLETED, REEDITING] Where stories live. Discover now