Chapter Twenty-One.

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Sunlight streamed in from the open curtains, meaning it was morning.

My legs were tangled with another, Justin. It had been two whole weeks since my birthday; Justin had planned the day out brilliantly. We had gone out and met a few more of his friends at a local club. After spending the beginning of the day out shopping and then having a lunch at an expensive restaurant. I had received a call from Grandma, saying that she wished I had a good birthday and that Uncle Kyle was a pig. I hadn’t seen my so called ‘family’ in two weeks and I was happy. I was finally where I wanted to be, with Justin.

The only thing that spoilt my mood slightly was that I hadn’t seen or heard from Lucas since that night. No texts, no phone calls, nothing at all. I was slightly worried, but every time I would ask Justin about it. He would not so subtly change the subject, to anything under the sun. Once even talking about my hair, like there isn’t much depth to the long dark waves.

 I looked over at him, his breathing was shallow –he was still sleeping. I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake him. He needed his rest, since last night he had only come home at eleven. Which to some would seem early, but he had been doing it for over three days now.

The water cascaded down my back, like little warm pebbles, relaxing the tired muscles. Today I was going to the bank to see about the money that my parents had left me. Justin had said that he would drop me off on his way into the city and would fetch me straight after he was done.

I stepped out of the shower and dried my body off with a white fluffy towel. I wrapped it around me and walked back into the room. The bed was made and there was no sign of Justin. I pulled out a pair of fresh underwear and grey leggings and an oversized shirt. As I slipped on my bra, the door to our room opened. Revealing a smirking blonde, Justin.

“Morning, babe.” I smiled at him, as he walked over to me. A long sleeved black t-shirt wrapped around his muscular torso and dark washed skinny jeans–hung dangerously low on his hips. We had gotten much closer, after saying ‘I love you’ to one another. I was also a lot more comfortable about my body and more at ease around him. I was pulled to his chest after the rest of my clothing was covering my body.

“Hey,” The dimple in his cheek poked out, as he sent a grin toward me. “Do you want to go out for breakfast with me, or do you want some toast?”

“Can we go to Lee’s?” My stomach gave a small grumble in reply.

After the night at the club, I was dead hungry and Justin had decided to take us to this amazing diner just ten minutes away. They had everything, from fried chicken to roasted olives on whole wheat bread. I however, was in love with their mint and blueberry pancakes with homemade maple syrup. Just the thought alone had my mouth drooling in anticipation.

“Is my little Mia hungry?”Justin teased, his hazel orbs twinkling in the sunlight. I nodded my head in reply and chuckled as Justin lifted me in the air and carried me out of our room. “We can’t have that, now can we?” Justin locked the front door and walked to the garage, all the while I bobbed up and down on his shoulder.


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