Chapter Seventeen.

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"What did you say" I stared at Justin in shock. My thoughts had accidentally been voiced and he had heard.

"I-" my voice sounded panicked, thinking quickly I decided to lie instead. "Nothing, I said I love that you trusted me enough to tell me."

Justin had either not heard me or was trying to ignore what I had just said. I was safe, for now.


Justin had left earlier to run some errands, leaving me alone to entertain myself. My birthday was tomorrow and I would finally be legal. The thing was, I didn't know if I should stay with Justin or leave like I had planned to when I had moved in with my 'family'.

Sure I loved him, but I couldn't help feel as though something would happen and he wouldn't be able to stop it.

Leaving the couch in search for food I came across Justin's cellphone on the kitchen counter. He must have left it behind, deciding to respect his privacy I picked it up and made my way to our bedroom.

I left it plugged into a charger and carried on my quest for food. The fridge and every cupboard was stocked with enough food to feed an army. However, Justin had forgotten one thing. Chocolate.

The one thing I was craving, since I got my period last night. Looking down at one of Justin's shirts I had borrowed to sleep in and sock covered feet I decided to change.

I locked the front door and started on foot to the store only a few blocks from Justin's house.

I looked down at my feet trying to ignore all the stares I was receiving from other people walking passed me. The laces of my vans were starting to wear thin and the soles would fall off at any given time. However, it was still my favourite pair, not matter how many other pairs I had bought in the hopes of replacing them. They would always be my favourite.


"Thank you" I paid the lady at the counter with a bill I had found in one of Justin's jeans. After receiving my change I left.

I had not even made it two blocks before I noticed a crowd gathered around a young boy strumming his guitar and sing one of the songs playing on the radio.

His dusty blonde hair was standing on edge, looking as though he had just gotten up and his innocent looking green eyes held passion from the lyrics pouring from his dark pink lips.

When the song finished I placed the change I had received from the cashier into his guitar case that was already over flowing with notes. I gave him one last look before heading home.


It was already three o'clock in the afternoon and Justin had still not made it home. The sound of his phones continuous ringing echoed throughout the house. I knew he was a busy man, but how could he stand this. No wonder why he left it at home.

When it finally stopped, I breathed a sigh of relief. Only to have it ring once again. I paused the movie I was watching, the best part was coming on. When she finally realises he was the one she had wanted all along. Instead of moping around, I promised the chocolate resting on one of the cushions that I'd be back and set off to stop the annoying ringing.

Incoming call : Kimora

Why was she calling him? I declined the call, only to realise it had been her calling Justin the whole morning and afternoon. Leaving at least fifty missed calls and twenty messages.

Listening to one of them I heard her moaning his name repeatedly, as well as a few other things. What I sick human being.

"I'm waiting for you." Was the last thing she said on the twentieth message. Scrolling through countless text messages, I realised that last night when he had told me about his fathers 'gang'. Justin had received a phone call and had said it was Za, however it couldn't have been. Because at the same time Justin had answered the call and left the room, I had checked the time.

At exactly half past nine Kimora had called him, which was the exact time I had seen flash across my cellphone screen.

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