Chapter Seven.

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Over the last week I had been leaving the house regularly and meeting up with Lucas at the local café he worked at, after I had mustered up the courage to finally text him. Since I hadn't seen him since the night of Liam's party and I couldn't help but think about him, he has always been there for me even though he didn't appreciate the relationship I was in. If you could call it a relationship.

I sat and waited for Lucas to finish his evening shift. The smell of coffee filling my nostrils and the aroma of freshly backed pastries making my mouth drool.

I exhaled slowly and twiddled with the bracelet around my wrist, the sparkling silver hoops linking together, while the heart shaped diamond dangled from the cool metal.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, somebody is watching me, I could feel it. The feeling had been happening regularly, but never has it been this bad. I looked around, nobody looked sceptical, I watched as two toddlers ran hand-in-hand to the local park. Passing a black Range Rover, I knew the car. I recognised it as soon as the silhouette of a man seated in the drivers side glanced my way, Justin.

I hadn't seen or heard from Justin since Liam's party, it scared me that I had so easily fallen for somebody I knew nothing about. Then the rumours surfaced about the things that he had done and was still doing, the killings, the money, drugs, guns, you name it he had done it.

Though I wasn't about to believe every rumour that was told to me, I remembered once when I was in high school and an untrue rumour was spread about me, I didn't want anybody to believe it, so I wasn't about to judge him without knowing the truth.

I slight tap on my shoulder brought be back to the present, Lucas stood beside me, his thick eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey..." I mumbled, glancing out of the window, only to find the Rang Rover now gone.

"You saw him, didn't you?" Lucas quietly muttered, sitting down opposite me.

"Saw who?" I faked innocence.

"Don't patronise me, Mia." Lucas snapped, looking at me, his eyes hardening.

"Sorry." I lowly mumbled, "Yea, I saw him, but could we please not talk about this?"

"Sure, sure." Lucas' eyes changed back to their welcoming shade of blue.


Lucas had left earlier, allowing me to think about everything, about Justin.

I hadn't once stopped thinking about Justin, how could I? He was perfect, from the tiny dimple in his left cheek to the kind heart that beats in his ribcage. No matter how many times I tried, I just couldn't keep my brain clear on thoughts about Justin.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone vibrating. Not bothering to look at who was calling I answered softly.


"Mia?" His voice, I missed it so much, I didn't know how much until now. I almost couldn't reply, tears burned from the back my eyes. "Are you there?"

"Hey." I mumbled, almost inaudibly.

"Where are you?" I could almost hear the strain in his usually husky voice.

"In my room."

"Good, open your door." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What did he mean open my door? Was he going mad? None the less I slowly crept to my door, the carpeted floors of my bedroom tickled the soles of my bare feet. I opened the door slowly and found Justin, in all of his beauty, leaning against the wall opposite my door.

"Hey." He said, smiling softly at me. I soaked him in, from his dark washed denim jeans to the short white sleeved polo shirt wrapped tightly around the muscles of his toned upper body.

"Hi." I shyly mumbled, while he looked effortlessly beautiful. My hair was deshuvled, while my bare tanned legs were showed of in my pajamas shorts.

"That's the third time you've said that to me today." He chuckled softly, then smiled, showing off the dimple in his left cheek. And just like that, all was forgotten, from the night of Liam's party to the countless rumours.

I don't know what came over me, but the next thing I knew my arms were around Justin's neck, my legs wrapped securely around his torso and my lips on his own.

"I missed you so much." Justin mumbled into my mouth.

I pulled back, breathlessly "I missed you too."

His lips again hungrily attacked mine, passion and longing both in the heated kiss. It was as though he wanted to show me how much he wanted and had missed me. I matched his kiss, putting all of the emotions I had been feeling in the past month into the kiss.


We laid next to each other, my lips still felt swollen from Justin and I's earlier assault.

"Where were you?" I asked, tracing my index finger over his jaw.

"I had some business to take care of." He mumbled, brining my hand to his mouth and tenderly kissing it. My stomach dropped, remembering all of the dumb rumours that Lucas and Liam's hand droned into my brain. Justin must have seen my face drop because his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" He gently asked, caressing my cheek.

"Nothing." I shakily mumbled, moving my head away from his touch. Hurt and confusion flashed across Justin's features for a second, before his expression changed back to emotionless.

"What is it?" He snapped irritatedly.

Just like that he had gone from being the sweet guy that made me feel stupid and immature for almost believing the rumours, to a person that made me guess if whether or not the rumours were true.

"Did you really do it.." I trailed off, looking at my interlaced fingers. "Kill all of those people?"


A/N: Thank You All For Reading!!

Please read my other JB fan fictions 'Alexia.' and 'How We Met."




Much Love

-Aimee ♡.

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