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liked by chimbby, hobibaby, yooniebabe, and 10,729 others

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liked by chimbby, hobibaby, yooniebabe, and 10,729 others

j.jungoo i need a sugar daddy asap 😔✊🏻 dm me if you have money that you wanna waste on me

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chimbby someone please find this boy a sugar daddy already 😒🙄
yooniebabe um... maybe get a job?? just a suggestion
hobibaby i can give you a dollar? but the rest of my money goes to my beautiful boyfriends
j.jungoo @yooniebabe why get a job when you can literally have some rich man send you money for pics of your feet?? jUst A SUGgesTIoN 🙄 and thanks @hobibaby for offering ❤️

better prepare yourself for the shit that's about to go down

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