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liked by kim.tae, chimbby, hobibaby,, yooniebabe,, and 873,820 others

j.jungoo i'm so bored ugh 😒 marry me kim taehyung ha ha just kidding no homo lmao lol whatever bye 😁

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kim.tae are you and jimin doing drugs or something? i mean i'd gladly marry you but with all the homo 🌈👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 okay but why is that comment kinda cute?^
chimbby welcome to the no homo club 😁 on wednesday's we wear pink but no homo lol lmao okay bye
yooniebabe they actually aren't on drugs *sigh* they just stayed up all night watching mean girls @kim.tae
j.jungoo this is exactly why you're not allowed to sit with us 🙄 @yooniebabe

i've never even watched mean girls but i thought this was funny

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