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third person pov

there was a knock on the door and jungkook didn't hesitate to run over to the door and swing it open.

taehyung stepped inside and immediately embraced the younger boy who was holding back loads of tears.

"i-i thought i lost y-you. i can't stop thinking about what jin hyung said a-and—"

taehyung shushed the younger, running his hands through his hair and up and down his back in an attempt to sooth and calm him down.

"baby i'm fine. i'm right here. don't think about what seokjin said because it isn't true. let's sit down, okay?" taehyung suggested and jungkook hummed, hesitantly pulling away from their hug to close the door.

jungkook pulled the older boy to the couch and, once they sat down, jungkook curled up against him.

taehyung smiled and pressed a light kiss to the youngers forehead. jungkook blushed and smiled at the action, attempting to hide his face in taehyung's shirt.

taehyung thought jungkook was adorable. the way he reacted to his kisses and compliments was the cutest thing ever. it made the older boy happy knowing he was able to make jungkook blush with a simple kiss or a few words.

jungkook made taehyung happy.

it was as simple as that.

he could only hope that jungkook felt the same.

"so, you wanted to tell me something?" jungkook asked quietly, looking up at taehyung with his big brown doe eyes.

taehyung just nodded, staring into the youngers eyes as he mustered up the courage to ask the big question.

a small smile rested on jungkook's lips as he stared up at taehyung.

he seemed nervous and jungkook thought that was the cutest thing. how could jungkook make someone like taehyung nervous? jungkook didn't believe it was possible.

he can't have any sort of effect on the kim taehyung... could he?

maybe he can... maybe he does.

maybe jungkook just doesn't notice how he makes the older feel when they lock eyes or when they touch.

maybe jungkook doesn't notice how he makes taehyung fall deeper in love with him every time they talk.

"baby... i just wanna know how you feel about me. how do you really feel?" taehyung asked quietly, absolutely no confidence in his body as he asked the question.

jungkook's smile widened when he noticed the lack of confidence in taehyung's words.

he was so cute.

"how do i feel about you? well i thought it was pretty obvious tae but if you really want to hear me say it then i guess i'll tell you... i'm in love with you. i'm so in love with you and, i promise you, i love you for you." jungkook said and taehyung felt a weight lift off his shoulders after hearing the younger say those three special words.

"now how do you feel about me?" jungkook asked with an eyebrow raised, hoping that taehyung would say he loved him too.

"i love you too jungkook. you're so special to me and i'm so unbelievably happy that i met you. i never thought i'd meet the love of my life this young but here you are. you're so perfect too— are you sure you love me?"

jungkook giggled at taehyung's question, nodding his head. "yes tae, i'm sure." jungkook smiled and taehyung finally let his smile break through.

"i guess if you're so sure then.. will you be my boyfriend?" taehyung asked and jungkook gasped, nodding his head eagerly.

"a thousand times, yes!" jungkook yelled and squeezed taehyung in a bear hug.

the older boy chuckled and hugged the younger.

"i love you baby." taehyung whispered and jungkook looked up at his boyfriend, resting their foreheads together as they locked eyes. "i love you too." jungkook whispered back and leaned forward a bit to hint that he wanted taehyung to kiss him.

when he didn't get the hint the younger smiled and leaned even closer.

"will you be my first kiss kim taehyung?" jungkook asked and taehyung smiled, nodding his head and leaning into his boyfriend.

"a thousand times, yes."

hi 😇

okay but i literally published this chapter like yesterday but i guess it didn't go through?? tf 😒💫

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okay but i literally published this chapter like yesterday but i guess it didn't go through?? tf 😒

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