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third person pov

everyone was dancing.

after saying their vows and the ceremony ended, everyone rushed to the after party to have fun while celebrating the newlyweds.

taehyung and jungkook were in their own world just staring into each other's eyes, speaking to each other without even whispering a word. their eyes sparkled with pure love for one another as smiles danced on their lips, not even disappearing when they kissed.

they were so happy and so was everyone around them.

their friends and family that gathered to share such a special moment with them were bubbling with excitement for the young married couple.

"i love you kim taehyung. i'm not good with putting my feelings into words that sound nice like it's a poem but i hope you understand that i'm so in love with you and i'm so looking forward to spending every last minute of the rest of our lives with you. we might be young and we may have moved quicker than others usually do but i don't regret a thing. i'm ready for this." jungkook whispered, his eyes filling with the happiest of tears as taehyung smiled down at him and kissed his forehead.

"i love you too jeon jungkook. you're absolutely perfect and, even though i doubt that i deserve you every morning i wake up beside you, i'm prepared to spend every second of the rest of our lives with you. no matter how young we are, i know we're meant to be together. you're mine and i'm not planning on letting go of you ever." taehyung leaned down, nuzzling their noses together and kissing away any tears that escaped jungkook's beautiful doe eyes.

jungkook smiled and leaned up, kissing his husband passionately. taehyung smiled against his husbands soft lips and tightened his grip on his waist just slightly.

"let's save this for the honeymoon, yeah?" taehyung whispered against jungkook's lips, pulling away but leaving their foreheads pressed together.

jungkook blushed and bit his bottom lip to hide his bright bunny smile.

"speaking of our honeymoon," jungkook arched an eyebrow as he looked at his smirking husband. "where are we going?"

taehyung hummed and shrugged as if he didn't know where they were going but jungkook knew he did. "oh i don't know. you'll have to wait and see i guess." taehyung smiled and that made jungkook smile too, pecking the taller boys lips.

"you're full of surprises, kim taehyung." jungkook said and taehyung shook his head at the younger. "you haven't seen anything yet." taehyung said and jungkook giggled, feeling like he was falling deeper and deeper in love as the seconds passed.

taehyung was enjoying hearing his husbands giggle until he stopped when someone cleared their throat to get their attention.

"c-can i dance with jungkook?"

the married two turned to see yoongi, seeming slightly nervous as he asked to dance with jungkook.

"of course yoonie." jungkook quickly kissed taehyung before pulling away from him and grabbing yoongi's hand. "be back soon. i'm gonna start missing you if you're gone too long." taehyung said and jungkook nodded with a tiny giggle, letting yoongi pull him to where he wanted to dance in the large ballroom.

"i'm happy for you kook." yoongi said as they began to dance slowly to the slow song that was playing. "don't say that if you're not being truthful, yoongi." jungkook said, sighing quietly.

"i mean it jungkook. i love you and i'm happy that you found someone who truly loves you so early. taehyung is perfect for you and you're perfect for him." yoongi said and jungkook looked him in the eyes, nodding when he didn't look away.

"thank you yoon. i love you too and don't forget you have jimin and hoseok who love you just as much as taehyung and i love each other." jungkook said and yoongi nodded with a small smile on his face. "i know. i should let you get back to your husband now, huh?" yoongi asked and jungkook chuckled, pulling his friend into a hug.

they both squeezed each other tight before pulling away.

"get back to your boyfriends." jungkook teased as he lightly pushed yoongi away.

the shorter just smiled and shook his head as he walked away.

jungkook quickly made his way back to his husband after having to maneuver around the people on the dance floor.

taehyung was standing by the refreshments, looking around at the crowd of people who were glowing a purple-y blue because of the lights in the room.

the younger walked up to his husband and wrapped his arms around him, snuggling into him as much as he could at the moment.

"miss me?" jungkook asked and taehyung smiled, nodding his head. "of course baby. although i did have a wonderful conversation about the latest kpop groups with that one cousin of yours." taehyung said and that made jungkook laugh.

"that sounds lovely." jungkook giggled and taehyung smiled, leaning down and planting a tiny kiss on the tip of his husbands nose.

"how'd everything go with yoongi?" the older asked and jungkook smiled, shrugging slightly. "he's genuinely happy for us." jungkook said and taehyung hummed, running his hands up and down jungkook's back.

"good because i'm happy for us too." taehyung joked and jungkook rolled his eyes, smacking his husbands chest but still laughing slightly.

"i'm happy for us too."

the two smiled at each other and kissed once more, holding themselves back from full blown making out in front of everyone at the party.

when they pulled away, they were breathless but their smiles never left their faces.

"so you want cake or something?" taehyung asked and jungkook giggled once more at his husbands silliness. "why not?"

taehyung smiled and grabbed jungkook's hand, leading him over to where the cake and cupcakes were. taehyung handed jungkook a plate with a large piece of cake on it, knowing the younger didn't play around when it came to his desserts.

"i love you so much." jungkook said as he looked down at the large piece of cake on his plate. "i love you too." taehyung chuckled as jungkook stuffed his mouth with cake, getting a little icing on the corner of his lips.

taehyung sighed happily to himself. he was so happy he was given the chance to spend the rest of his life with the boy in front of him.

taehyung brought his thumb up to the younger boys lips, wiping the icing off his lips and licking it off his finger. jungkook blushed at his husbands action, watching as a smirk formed on the boys face as he leaned closer.

"wanna know what i'll be doing on our honeymoon?" taehyung asked with a mischievous grin on his face but jungkook still went along, wanting to know what his husband was going to say. "what?" jungkook asked with a mouthful of cake.


if this is trash then it's because it's literally almost six in the morning and i haven't slept yet because i wanted to finish this book :)
oh and this may or may not be the last chapter?? idk i haven't decided

TAESTANif this is trash then it's because it's literally almost six in the morning and i haven't slept yet because i wanted to finish this book :)oh and this may or may not be the last chapter?? idk i haven't decided

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