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third person pov

jungkook excitedly walked into his boyfriends luxurious apartment as he always did. the boy never got tired of seeing his significant other even though they see each other quite often.

"tae?" jungkook called out as he walked further into the apartment, looking around the entrance and noticing the unusual decorations set up around the place.

there were no lights on, candles were the only source of light in the entirety of the home. roses were placed near the candles prettily which caused a shadow shaped like the flowers stretch across the walls.

jungkook smiled, thinking it was so romantic and thoughtful of taehyung to do something like this.

he walked further into the flat, making his way towards his boyfriends bedroom because that's where the candles and roses led him.

when he made it to the double doors of the master bedroom, there was a rose tied to the door handle and a rolled up note tied to the stem of the rose.

jungkook carefully picked up the rose and unrolled the note to read it.

'i love you so much, jungkook.
if you're ready to start another chapter with me then come in.
it's okay if you're not ready baby.
just let me know beautiful.'

jungkook blushed and stood outside the doors for a moment, thinking about what he was going to walk into and what was waiting for him on the other side of those bedroom doors.

is taehyung really going to do it?

the young boy took a deep breath and decided he was ready for whatever taehyung had planned— he was beyond ready.

jungkook smiled, slightly nervous as he pushed open the bedroom doors and closed them behind himself. when he turned around, he gasped at what he saw.

taehyung was standing at the end of his bed, rose petals surrounding him and spelling out a question that jungkook never expected to see so soon in his life.

'will you marry me?' was spelled out in red rose petals and lit up with small candles.

"are you ready for this?" taehyung asked, breaking the silence with his deep voice that sent shivers down jungkook's spine.

jungkook walked over to his boyfriend and stood in front of him with a small smile on his lips. "i'm more than ready tae." jungkook whispered and watched as an adorable boxy smile spread across taehyung's face.

"really?" taehyung's eyes lit up like the candles that surrounded him and his boyfriend. "yes, of course. i want to be with you and forever with you sounds absolutely perfect." the younger said, giggling at his boyfriends slightly shocked and excited expression.

"so you'll marry me?" taehyung asked, sounding hopeful and jungkook nodded quickly while laughing cutely. "wait!" taehyung face palmed before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a diamond ring.

the older got down on one knee and smiled up at his boyfriend.

"now will you marry me?" taehyung asked again, holding up the beautiful ring and jungkook smiled before getting down on his knees with his boyfriend.

"with or without a ring, my answer will always be yes." jungkook said and taehyung smiled his boxy smile once more as he placed the ring on jungkook's finger. "i love you so much kook." taehyung whispered and pressed a soft kiss onto jungkook's lips before he could reply.

"i love you too tae. i can't wait to marry you." jungkook said, cupping his fiance's face in his hands and pulling their faces close. "you won't be waiting long and that's a promise." taehyung whispered, locking eyes with jungkook and resting their foreheads together.

the two spent the night together, showing their love and affection towards each other in a number of ways.

they laughed constantly, they smiled, they kissed, and they held each other with no thoughts of ever letting go.

no matter the circumstances in which they met, they were madly in love with each other and no amount of money would or could change that.

short but cute ☺️

TAESTANshort but cute ☺️

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