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third person pov

"taehyung! oh fuck! yes!"

jungkook jumped up and threw his fists in the air, cheering because he had just beat his husband at the video game they were playing.

"i'm so much better than you! i'm pretty much a fucking professional." jungkook giggled as taehyung smiled up at him, shaking his head at his husband.

"i will admit that you're pretty good but i think it's mainly beginners luck." taehyung said and jungkook scoffed, shaking his head. "oh don't give me that beginners luck shit. i'm fucking amazing at this game whether or not it's my first time playing." jungkook said and taehyung sighed, the smile on his face not faltering one bit.

"we're on an island all by ourselves on our honeymoon. what the hell are we doing playing video games?" taehyung asked and jungkook gasped as if he just remembered they were still on their honeymoon.

"i wanna go swimming and then i wanna have sex on the beach." jungkook said and taehyung raised his eyebrows in surprise at how straightforward jungkook was being.

"okay.. last one to the beach has to come back and get towels!" taehyung said and ran out of the beach house, running towards the beach as jungkook chased after him. "why didn't we just grab them beforehand!?" jungkook yelled as taehyung laughed, jumping into the water.

"you're just mad cause you knew you were gonna lose." taehyung said and jungkook rolled his eyes. "i'm not mad.. i just have common sense." he said as he jogged back to the house and grabbed a bunch of towels to lay out on the sand.

when he got back to the water, taehyung was running around the beach and picking up a bunch of shells.

"hey shell boy! i got the towels!" jungkook yelled and taehyung looked up from all the shells in his hands. "for your information i go by the shell collector!" taehyung yelled back which made his husband burst out into a fit of giggles.

taehyung chuckled and jogged over to his husband to help him set up all the towels.

"let's go swimming now." jungkook said, grabbing taehyung's hand and pulling him into the water.

"it feels so nice." jungkook sighed as taehyung pulled him closer to his body, wrapping his arms securely around his husbands tiny waist. "it does." taehyung agreed and jungkook smiled up at his husband.

"i love you." jungkook whispered and taehyung looked down at him with hearts in his eyes. "i love you too baby... but," taehyung sighed and looked down.

"but what?" jungkook asked, slightly nervous for his husbands answer.

"but i'm sorry i had to do this." taehyung said and pushed jungkook away, splashing him with water right away.

jungkook gasped and wiped the water away from his eyes.

"i'm gonna kill you kim taehyung!" jungkook said, running after his husband the best he could in the water.

the newlyweds splashed at each other, laughing and enjoying the small island they had all to themselves. they were enjoying their honeymoon for sure and couldn't get enough of just being with each other.

"okay, okay i'm sorry!" taehyung apologized as he pulled the younger male closer to him once again. "apology only half accepted." jungkook said and taehyung raised an eyebrow at the boy.

"half accepted?" he questioned and jungkook nodded.

"i will accept the rest of it when you admit that i'm better than you at video games." jungkook challenged and taehyung sighed, shaking his head at his husband.

"baby you know i can't do that." taehyung said and jungkook raised an eyebrow. "you can't? hm, i guess you don't want to have sex on the beach." jungkook said and started walking away, heading towards the sand.

suddenly taehyung scooped jungkook out of the water, making the younger squeal in surprise as taehyung ran towards the sand and set him down on all the towels they set up earlier.

"i fully admit to the fact that you, jeon jungkook, my dearest husband is ridiculously better than me at any and every video game ever to be made." taehyung said and jungkook laughed as he wrapped his arms around his husbands shoulders, pulling him closer so that their bodies were pressed together and their foreheads were as well.

"the rest of your apology has been accepted although i never did picture you as the desperate type." jungkook teased and taehyung smiled as he began leaving butterfly kisses all over jungkook's exposed skin.

"picture it or not, i've always been desperate when it came to you." taehyung said and jungkook smiled, pulling taehyung into a kiss filled with heat and passion.

"kim taehyung, how did i get so lucky?" jungkook asked as taehyung undressed, water droplets dripping all over his body as his hair was messy and damp.

taehyung smirked and leaned down, kissing his husbands lips before moving his lips towards his ear and pressing a light kiss behind it.

"beginners luck i guess."

me: *writes boyfriend instead of husband a million fucking times and has to go back and fix it*
i like this much better as an ending
it's short and sweet
NOW this is all i've got left in me for this story
thank you for reading
love u guys lots 💜

TAESTANme: *writes boyfriend instead of husband a million fucking times and has to go back and fix it*i like this much better as an endingit's short and sweetNOW this is all i've got left in me for this storythank you for readinglove u guys lots 💜

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