My mom's reviews • PART 2

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She's back.


The song has a pleasant sound, and she especially liked the backing track, with the guitar and all that. Also, she enjoyed her voice.

Her grade: 8/10


She sort of likes it. It's different from the "cliché typical Italian music", since it's more modern and has rap elements in it, so I guess she enjoyed that.

Her grade: 7,5/10


According to her, it doesn't belong to Eurovision, in the sense that the audience will underestimate it in favor of other catchier songs. However, she liked the cozy atmosphere the song conveys.

Her grade: 5/10


She found it basic and repetitive. We barely made it till the end.

Her grade: 2/10


She found it quite dynamic and different, she liked it.

Her grade: 7/10


It looked like a failed attempt at recreating Blank Space to her. It was kitsch, and a parody of the typical cliché American songs.

Her grade: 0/10   O O F


Since it has that Balkan sound she hates so much for some reason, she didn't like the song.

Her grade: 1/10 


I think that the music video disturbed her. She still didn't like the song regardless, although she admitted it wasn't too bad. She doesn't understand why it's everyone's favorite and thinks it's overhyped.

Her grade: 5/10


She didn't really know how to rank this one. She found it bland, but still somewhat beautiful.

Her grade: 5/10


She absolutely loved it. She found it to be dynamic, danceable, melodic, rhythmic and different. She wishes the ethnic elements would have been a bit more exploited though.

Her grade: 10/10


She mostly liked the guitar, but isn't a fan of the vocals.

Her grade: 6/10


She didn't get it :/ She found it very weird and off-putting.

Her grade: 0/10


She focused on the special effects the most... The song did nothing to her.

Her grade: 2/10


It looks like a tale. She wondered whether this song was the best they had to offer, because she found it quite awful and cliché.

Her grade: 2/10


It's a happy and feel-good song, but it didn't really grab her attention.

Her grade: 5/10


She liked her voice and admitted it was good. She still doesn't like this kind of folklore.

Her grade: 3/10


She didn't say much about the song, but she said it's not her cup of tea.

Her grade: 2/10


She really liked the verses and they even made her dance. The chorus was a let-down though, she felt like it missed something, and that it was too simple.

Her grade: 6/10


It's a pleasant, agreeable song, with a nice melody, but it is cliché and quite predictable. It presents nothing new and sounds 90s-ish.

Her grade: 5/10


It has a Latino vibe, which she sorta enjoyed. She liked the chorus and the electronic drop, although she found the music video to be a bit kitsch.

Her grade: 5/10


She almost didn't say anything about the song, because she kept on talking about the music video. She just said that he sings well.

Her grade: 6/10


Yeah, I made her listen to it, just because she's Ukrainian and because she was wondering how the song sounded like.

She absolutely loved it, and said it had every chance of winning. It has rhythm, melody, charisma. She staging felt rather empowering to her rather than discriminatory. All in all, it's a modern song but still different enough to stand out and make a big BANG on stage. 

Her grade: 10/10

Sooooo yeah. I hope I didn't forget any song! Her favorite overall was Norway, and she even wants to vote for them if they qualify!

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