Stage Manager~Robert Manion x Reader

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Your P.O.V
It was your first day at a new job, which was always difficult. Being a stage manager came with many responsibilities. Quick changes, microphones, cues and so much more went into it. You had worked on many other shows and this will be your second time working on a Starkid show. You were a stage manager for Starship. When Nick called you to ask if you'd be able to assist with The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, you were a bit surprised to hear from him in so long but took the job nevertheless.

As you walked into the theatre on the first day of rehearsals you received hugs from Lauren, Joey, Jaime and Nick. Lauren introduced you to everyone. While she was showing you to Jeff, Corey, Mariah and Jon you kept getting distracted by a tall man in the corner reviewing lines. Once you finished talking to Lauren you leaned in and whispered:" Who's that?" You pointed to the black-haired man you saw before. "Him? That's Robert. He's playing Hidgens. Hey Robert!" She shouted. Before you had time to think Robert was making his way across the room to you. "Robert this is Y/N, she will be our stage manager." Lauren told Robert. "Nice to meet you" Robert spoke confidently. You were surprised as to how he was so confident and you so nervous. "Nice to meet you too Robert" You managed to say but you were super nervous and you weren't sure why, but you were so taken aback by how handsome he was.

Robert's P.O.V
I stood in the corner of the rehearsal space we had rented for The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals running my lines. I was playing a fairly large part and decided to get a head start on learning my lines before rehearsals officially started. As I was practicing one of my monologues I spotted Lauren talking to the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. The mere sight of her made my palms go sweaty and my face go pink. Then Lauren called me over. I was freaking out internally but I tried to stay as calm as possible.

"Robert this is Y/N she will be our stage manager," Lauren said to me. She was so beautiful. "Nice to meet you" I managed to speak but she must have sensed the anxiety in my voice. "Nice to meet you too Robert" She had the loveliest voice I'd ever heard in my life and she spoke with confidence.

Flash Forward Opening Night; Your P.O.V
Rehearsals flew by. You found it quite difficult to focus sometimes during rehearsals because you always found yourself staring at Robert. However, you always brought yourself back to reality and kept on telling yourself how you to were just coworkers, friends at most and that he could never think of you that way. As you were backstage preparing for the opening number Robert came up to you.

"Y/N um.. This may not be the best time to say this and I don't want to ruin our friendship but you are so funny and like beyond gorgeous and smart and but I think you should know that I like you a lot and maybe we could go out sometime" He didn't make eye contact with you once and his face was red. You didn't know how to react."Robert-" You started but was interrupted by Nick in your headpiece telling you it was time for places. You quickly walked away blushing harder than ever.

The show ran smoothly from then on, however, the words he said kept replaying in your mind over and over again. You still had butterflies in your stomach but tried to focus on the show. Right before Show-Stopping, Number Robert was waiting in the wings with you. "So..." He whispered awkwardly. "Listen I didn't want to make things weird I just thought that maybe-" You cut him off by kissing him passionately. Your lips disconnected but you stayed close to him. "I would love to go out with you" Just then he heard his cue and went on stage. You were still in a slight daze from the kiss you two shared but you continued with the show. It was the best opening night you could have hoped for.

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