Help~Joey Richter x Reader

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Your P.O.V
You had just finished A Very Potter Musical, a play you did with your friends for fun and were in your down at UofM catching up on some work. After the show ended you all kind of separated for a bit. Not that you didn't like your friends, in fact, they were the only friends you really had but when you spend so much time with the same people you need a little break. It was silent and peaceful in your room until there was a knock at the door that broke the peacefulness. You got off the twin sized bed and opened it. In the hallway stood Darren holding an eight pack of cheap beer, Lauren, Joe Walker and Joey Richter. "Guess who's invited to an end of year football frat party?" Darren shouted obnoxiously. "Not me, that's for sure." I stated. "Yes, you are! Darren has some connections it's gonna be a sick party and you are gonna be there!" Joe said matter-of-factly.

After much convincing, your friends finally got you to go. It was in a large frat house. The music was blasting and the beer was spilling. You had had a few glasses and you were feeling a little tipsy. Being the clumsy drunk person you are as you were walking to go get more beer you bumped right into someone. He was tall and waws wearing a football jersey. He was tough. When the man turned around you immediately apologized. "No need to be sorry, doll" His words slurred. You could tell he was very drunk. You tried to get by him but stood directly in front of you. "What's your name sweetheart?" He asked. You began getting a little nervous but you reminded yourself he was probably just trying to be friendly. "Y/N," You said over the loud music. "You're hot" He slurred. "I really should be going" You began to walk away but he grabbed onto your wrists. "Dance with me" He demanded. Your heart pounded. He was grabbing you really tightly. "Come on I won't bite it's just if you walk around with a body like that how do you expect me not to grab you." You looked around but saw none of your friends. You were starting to panic.

"Damn You really are so hot" He then without warning pushed you up against a wall. It hurt your back intensely and tears started down your face as you winced in pain. he didn't seem to notice or care though and started kissing your neck. You closed your eyes and prayed for someone, anyone to see what was happening.

Joey's P.O.V
The party was getting boring. I had only agreed to come in an effort to get closer to Y/N but she was nowhere to be found. After we did AVPM I developed a huge crush in Y/N but she only sees me as a friend. The music was loud and everyone was drunk, except for me the designated driver of course. "Hey, have you seen Y/N," I asked a very drunk Lauren. I was started to get a little concerned as to where she was. "Oh No! Is she lost! I'll help find her" She mumbled while walking away only to trip over a chair. I helped Lauren get up, then went to go find Y/N.

I wandered around the crowded party for a bit until in corner I saw Y/N pushed up against a wall by a super tough guy. She looked like she was crying and the mere sight of seeing her upset made me angrier than words can explain. "Hey!" I shouted at the man. "What?" He said turning around to face me but still holding onto one of Y/N's wrists. Her arm was bright red due to the fact that he was grabbing her so tightly her circulation was cut off. "Can't you see the lady isn't enjoying this?" He didn't react and shoved her onto the wallthe sight of her wincing in pain made me feel like I was being stabbed. "Get away from her!" I shoved him as hard as I could. Since he was very drunk he fell to the floor. I grabbed Y/N and pulled her into my car her crying the whole way there.

We sat in silence for most of the ride until we got back to our dorms. "Thanks for what you did back there," She said in barely a whisper. "It was nothing really. Seeing the way he was hurting you I mean you, you deserve better than that" I responded seriously. We waited for a while until I got out and walked her to her dorm. It was only as when we were outside her room that I noticed she was shaking. "Hey, hey shhhhh-" I pulled her into a tight embrace. My shirt was getting drenched in Y/N's tears but I truly didn't care. All I cared about in this moment was Y/N being happy. "No one will ever hurt you as long as I'm around" I whispered into her hair as I leaned down to kiss her head.

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