Drunk~Joey Richter x Reader

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University of Michigan; 2009
Exams were coming up and you were stressed, but when were you not stressed. You sat in your dormitory surrounded by papers and textbooks. You finished your classes at 4:30 that day and from then until now at 7:00 you were studying. You were actually pretty smart, however, growing up your parents were extremely hard on you and you think that the reason you study so hard, are an over achiever and don't have much of a social life is because of them. You did have a small group of friends, ok you had one friend.

College Move-in-Day; 2009
You waved goodbye to your parents and watched them drive away. When you thought about the moment you were finally at college you had assumed that you would be consumed with sadness and would miss your parents immensely, but you had an overwhelming sense of relief. You felt freedom. Not that you hated your parents but the whole way to Ann Arbor they were lecturing you about studying hard and not going to parties. You began to pull your pull cart along, that was filled with a bunch of boxes. Walking toward the main office where they would give you your dorm number and class schedule. You continued to think about how excited you were to be own your own, independent. You were making a mental checklist of what you wanted to do throughout the year when you tripped on a rock that was buried in the grass. "Damn it," you thought. You pushed yourself up. While you were dusting yourself up a tall kid ran over to you. "Hey, I just saw you fall are you all right?" He asked you. "Great first impression Y/N," You thought to yourself. "No umm, I'm fine just clumsy, " You said. He chuckled. "I'm Joey I'm majoring in theatre, you?" He questioned. "Oh I'm Y/N I'm majoring in biology," "Oh, wow you're smart" He laughed. "Oh well my parents kind of forced me into biology, but I enjoy it." He didn't say anything just kind of smiled. "Well, I should probably get going. It was nice meeting you, Joey." "I'll see you around Y/N" He walked away. Throughout the year, you and Joey grew closer. Although you two aren't in any of the same classes he would often come with you to boring lectures and keep you company. You would see his shows and obviously, you two would walk each other to class. He always knew how to make you laugh. You met his friends but never really clicked with any of them. Deep down you knew you had a crush on him. Since the moment you met him you always had a tiny part of you that just wanted to grab him and kiss him, then spend the rest of the night talking and looking up at the stars, but you knew that could never happen. Joey just didn't think of you like that and you knew that.

End of flashback
You stared at a book on molecular biology. The year flew by and now you were plagued by the dreadful curse of exams. You attempted to focus but your phone kept buzzing. Soon you got fed up and just put it on silent. You continued studying attempting to memorize the boatload of information that had been thrown at you since the first day of classes. Suddenly a knock at the door broke your concentration or lack of concentration. When you opened it there stood Joey. "You weren't answering my calls or texts so I decided to just show up in person!" He smiled. "Go away Jojo I need to study!" You told him. He walked into your small dormitory and saw the mess of schoolwork on your bed. "God Y/N you weren't kidding about studying, but I think that you deserve a break!" He stated. "I can't take a break. If I fail these exams my parents will murder me!" "Y/N you are so smart, you have been studying super hard and I have a good idea of how to get your mind off schoolwork, " He smirked. "What's your idea?" You sat down on a chair while Joey sat on the bed. "So you know my friend Darren right?" You nodded. "Well he's having a huge end of year party and there will be booze and music and I don't know hot guys, I think you should come!" He smiled. "Jojo, what about me, the introverted science nerd screams huge party animal?" "Pwease?" He pouted. "I'm sorry Joey but the textbooks are waiting for me, " You joked. "Ok, but you're missing one hell of a party" He stood up and left. Nothing about going to a party sounded appealing to you but spending time with Joey did. You returned to studying.

After four more hard hours of revision, it was 1 am. You had completely lost track of time. You put away your books and stacks of paper. You brushed your teeth, got into your pyjamas which just consisted of a white tank top and sweatpants. You were exhausted and was so excited to get in bed. You were about to get underneath your bed covers when you got a phone call. You picked up your phone to see the name, Lauren Lopez. You knew Lauen as another one of Joey's many theatre friends. You picked up the phone. Immediately you heard some loud music playing from the other line. "Hey Y/N! Can you hear me?" Lauren shouted into the phone. "Ya," You responded. "Listen, I didn't know who else to call but Joey is super drunk right now. Would you mind picking him up I don't think he's very safe right now? Again I'm am so sorry to bother you." Lauren said. You knew Joey was kind of a lightweight, despite his height after two shots he was pretty much drunk. Although you were extremely exhausted and needed to wake up early the next morning for a lecture you told Lauren you would pick him up. You got into your car wearing an oversized sweatshirt you had stolen from Joey a few months ago and a pair of sweatpants. Once you pulled up to the party you texted Lauren, who brought Joey outside. You got out of your car and approached the extremely intoxicated man in front of you. "Hey Jojo, I'm gonna take you home." You told him. "Oh my God Y/N! I thought you were being biology today?" He wrapped you in a big hug. "Come on." You and Lauren brought him into the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt.

You pulled away from the party and started heading back to campus. "That was a really fun party, " Joey slurred. You looked over to see him slouched in the passenger seat. "Ya Joey?" You smiled. "Yes, but I was sad because I wanted to be with you tonight." He couldn't properly say all the words but you understood what he was trying to say. "Sorry, Jojo I really had to study." You replied. " It's ok Y/N I got to see you now." He looked over to you and started laughing uncontrollably. "What's so funny?" "You're wearing pyjamas!" He said still laughing. "Right." You smiled. Even if he was wasted hearing him laugh still made you happy. Soon his laughter subsided and he looked at you. "I'm sad Y/N/N." "Why?" "I'm in love with you but you aren't in love with me." Your heart fluttered. Did Joey just drunkenly confess his love to you? What were you going to do now? Soon the hurricane of thoughts was interrupted by the fact you were now at the campus. "Joey?" You looked over at Joey who was fast asleep. You smiled to yourself. In the morning you would have to tell him that you knew about his feelings, but right now all you had to worry about was getting Joey to bed.

Getting Joey from the car to his dorm was an adventure, but you finally made it. Joey had given you a key in the middle of the year so you just let yourself in. Joey who was half-asleep had one arm around you and you were basically the only thing holding him up. You set him down on his bed. He crawled underneath the covers. He was fast asleep within seconds. You reached into your bag and pulled out a post-it note and a pen, which you carried for lectures. You put it on Joey's night table. "Good Morning Jojo! I have a lecture until 12:00 but I'm free after that and wanna grab lunch with you! We need to talk..... Text me when you wake up. Love, Y/N" You wrote. Little did you know the next day Joey wouldn't just be your best friend but your boyfriend.

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