my life

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Hi, as u already know I'm Sydney. I woke up today in my bedroom. Our house is kinda squashed tbh and on occasion it can get really annoying.
In one room there is my dad and ginger.
In the other room there is me and harvey and the roadtrip boys.
Then we have the living room, bathroom and kitchen.i asked my dad if we could get a larger apartment  but he said no which I am extremely unhappy about because a 2 bedrooms apartment between 9 people is not the best.
Anyway, I got out of bed (aka the couch)  and went to get some cereal .
I then sat on the couch and put some Netflix on because I was boared out of my brain and I got told that I'm not aloud to wake all the boys up again after last time I woke them all up we had to take andy to A and E  that was not a good day.
Luckily after watching 1 episode of riverdale everyone woke up. I was actually pretty happy for today because tomorrow the boys are all going on tour in America and I finally get to go with them😁
We have to leave in 1 hour to go to the airport so I had to get chained which is ok, except from the part that I have to Wait for all the boys to get changed before I can go into the bedroom to get my clothes.
Anyway I'm ready now and we have to leave for the airport. So I grab my suitcases and jump in the car with everyone else."let's go" I scream and we drive to the airport.

[I just want to make it clear that the next chapter is most likely going to be horrific because I've never been to an airport so I don't know what it is like at one]

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