the flight

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[I just skipped the airport part due to the fact that I don't know what airports are like because I've never been to one, sorry if u wanted the bit about them being at the airport]

As we were making our way through the tunnel to the airplane I was really worried, petrified and scared.ive never been on a airplane  before and all I could think about was how far up it was and how if one engine died everyone on the plane would go crashing through the air and atmosphere to our deaths. all of a sudden I felt a hand holding mine .I didn't know whose it was in till a turned around and saw brooklyn smiling at me and holding my hand, luckily my dad didn't see us otherwise he would have flipped his boat from the Atlantic to the Pacific in 0.13 seconds.

Once we were on the plain to america brooklyn still hadn't let go of my hand ,I was guessing it was because he is scared of heights but I I didn't ask him in case I seemed rude or was a 5 hour flight and I had the worst side of the seating plan.the plain had group's of threes and the grouping was:
andy ,harvey, jack
Me,blair, brook
Mikey, rye, some random guy

GREAT I was stuck between brook and my dad 'yay'.I could see andy start blogging half way through the flight, my dad had been asleep up till then and didn't see me and brooklyn holding hands with each other.across from the rows I saw andy and harvs staring at me and smirking,  I was so close to snaking them both around the head with a frying pan. My dad saw them smirking, he was getting suspicious I could tell  before thinking about all the people on the plane I yelled " HARVS IF YOU DONT TURN THAT VLOG AWAY FROM MY FACE YOULL BE OUT OF THIS PLAIN WITHOUT A PARACHUTE "I glared at him and andy " YOU TOO FOVS ". Suddenly I felt everyone's eyes divert from everything they were doing to me , I even woke jack up from his nap  which is an accomplishment.  I sank into my seat whilst turning neon pink and flipping my hoodies good over my head. It was the most embarrassing think that could ever happen.

about an hour after my screaming session on the plain we still had an hour to go. I was so nervous about landing in America that I decided to just fall asleep for the rest of my flight .
After a while I felt someone poking my arm and was my dad trying to wake me up because we were landing."brookie let me sleep, five more minutes" I muttered under my breath without realizing."why would brook be waking you up" I hear my dad's voice say. I shot up out of my seat and rushed to the bathroom on the plain. Oh no, now I need to think of an excuse for saying that, I didn't mean to , I wasn't awaken properly. DAM IT. I was soooooo screwed, like a trash piece of paper.
I walked slowly out of the bathroom and back to my seat. As I sat down I saw Brooklyn's face turn a wierd colour. I sat down and turned to my dad.he looked at me sternly. I looked down at my feet and then up at him again."dad, about before. I thought it was brooklyn waking me up because if a fall asleep after my alarm he or jack usually wakes me up and I called him brook not brooky." I gazed at brook and then I hear a voice say that we had landed. A smile shot across my face because I had just got out of my dad asking any follow up questions.

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