room mixes

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[Sorry I skipped the whole airport thing again, like I said before Ive never been to an airport so I don't know what happens]

We had just walked through the door of the hotel  and we were standing at the lobby while my dad was at the desk getting the keys to our rooms.i was starting to get worried, I've never been to America,  I've always just stayed home with ginger but I was having to come this time because I was an opening act at the concerts.
Finally, my dad came back, he looked confused."erm  , guys we have a small problem with the rooms. It turn out they have double booked the room that Sydney was supposed to stay in so we only have three rooms." I was really happy then at that moment because even tho I don't get a room to my self it gives me a higher chance of being with brooky.
"It's ok dad, I'll just share a room with some of the boys" I spoke calmly.
"Are you sure Sydney,  these boy can be pretty anoying" he spoke back.
"I'm sure dad, I cope with a room that I have to share with them all 24/7, I think I can cope with 3 of them for 2 or 3 nights" I reassure everyone so I can stay with Brooklyn. Let's just say my plan didn't work and I was put in  mikey, harveys and Andy's room.
I start to in pack my p.j.s and I go in to the bathroom to wipe today's make up off and to get changed. I was in a single bed , harvey was in the double bed with mikey and andy was in the other single bed.
That plain ride wore me out and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold from exhaustion.  I just hoped I didn't snore or talk in my sleep.

[Sorry for making the chapter so short  , I can't really look at a screen for too long other wise I get really bad migraine,  especially when it's a white phone screen.  Ill Update for yall soon.🍀🍀💚💚]

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