never again

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It was her..
I felt like running, or crying, or throwing an axe at her, or just becoming invisible in till she went away.
I pushed my fave back into Brooklyn's chest trying and hoping that I'd become invisible, but that plan didn't work. "Hello, darling", that voice went through me and I grabbed my phone and ran into the bathroom. I was now cold, on the bathroom floor, trying not to cry, texting my dad to come over to the room as quick as he could. Once I'd finished texting I ran back into the room were brooklyn was crying his eyes out. He just stared at me and then yelled. "HOW COULD YOU!" He then ran out of the room. I trying to run after him but I was stopped by sharp nails digging into my wrist. She had ruined my life before I left and now she was back to ruin it again. "I wouldnt do that if I was you darling, he found out about your little secret. Now he hates you, everyone does. You may as well come back with me and start a newish life rather than stick with people who would rather you just off a cliff". At that point my dad and ginger came running into the room. "Why are you asking for me Sydney? " he questioned. And then he saw her and all the boys. The boys in tears that you could be drowned in. I ran out of the room with my phone, plugged my earphones in and just listened to 'dont hurt yourself',  'stranger' and 'i wasnt worried'. I was oblivious to the whole world at that point and wanted one thing, to be in brooklyn or Andy's arms. Andy always knew what to do in these situations,  I apriciated having a best friend who could understand me, even if the rest of the world didn't.

Brooks pov

I couldn't cope. I just ran, I didnt know where to but I needed to get away from her. Why would she not tell me. Why? I thought she loved me, clearly I was incorrect. All my emotions were muddled, my heart had been shredded into a million peices and she was completely oblivious to why I was so upset. That lady showed me everything. Sydney's past. How she was cheating on me, and who with. I new about how I wasn't the most good looking people in the world but cheating just isn't right. I would never do that. Never in a million years.

Blair's pov

I had just got a text from Sydney to come to their room asap. I have no idea why but as soon as I got it me and ginger ran straight to their room without a thought why they would need us. As soon as I got near their room I saw Brooks running out of the room looking an apsulute mess. I was extremely confused to why. Did Sydney have something to do with it. Why would she, she knows the boys are All off  limits because they have to focus on work not girls.
As soon as I got to their room I saw her, Sydney's mum. She was attacking Sydney's life again. But this time I wouldn't let Sydney resort back to her old ways. Never again will my daughter have to take a  blade to her body to release anger, stress or anything.  Never again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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